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neither. a wrong dns would mean you don't get the page at all. packet loss would mean that the site starts sending but the packets end up in nirvana. if the packet loss was so bad it caused the noticable web page slowdown speeds would not be what they are.

i think it is simply slow routing and switching on their end, causing high latency. look at it this way, it's better than dway... :haha:

I still see miami  at hop #5 while tracing it with

tracert www.yahoo.com

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]

© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

tracert www.yahoo.com

Tracing route to www.yahoo.akadns.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    20 ms    12 ms    *    host-70-45-48-1.onelinkpr.net []

  2    11 ms    9 ms    *    host-70-45-94-41.onelinkpr.net []

  3    48 ms    51 ms    *    host-70-45-94-69.onelinkpr.net []

  4    66 ms    *      70 ms  unk-426d0ef9.adelphiacom.net []

  5    58 ms    *      60 ms  a1-00-00-00.c0.mia95.adelphiacom.net [


  6    60 ms    61 ms    *    p3-00-01-00.c0.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [


  7    70 ms    *      67 ms  g1-02-03-00.p0.dfw91.adelphiacom.net [


  8    68 ms    74 ms    70 ms  adelphia-yahoo.adelphiacom.net []

  9    70 ms    75 ms    75 ms  so-4-1-0.pat2.dce.yahoo.com []

10    88 ms    *      74 ms  vlan221-msr2.dcn.yahoo.com []

11    77 ms    *      75 ms  ge3-1.bas1-m.dcn.yahoo.com []

12    73 ms    73 ms    75 ms  p15.www.dcn.yahoo.com []

Trace complete.

and miami as hop number x will not change. that is where the undersea cable comes from. what might change is the quality of the connection in miami, the routing from miami, the provider that does the routing from miami.

since onelink seems to be a completely seperate entity from adelphia, having taken over all of their network (ok, it wasn't adelphias to begin with, it was a pair of companies operating it under the adelphia name) which can be seen by the cessation of the netpak, music and webmail, of which only the webmail has been replaced so far, the music is in the works (they need to make a contract with a musicdownload provider), there is hope that either they make a better deal with adelphia for the backbone hookup in miami or change the provider there altogether. that is what is going to take a little time to gel out, meanwhile they are probably constantly complaining to the miami folks about the quality of the connection. the same problem has existed for quite some time, just not as noticable to the casual observer. but from earlier tech support calls i know that most slowdowns over the last year or so have been coming from miami. probably because of the semi-adelphia status of the local net.

I seem to be learning a lot from you everyday parabot, keep us updated with the knowledge please. By the way what do you think of my signal levels, I think they are really off .

Downstream  Value

Frequency 573000000 Hz

Signal to Noise Ratio 36 dB

QAM 256

Network Access Control Object ON

Power Level 15 dBmV 

The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested. Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading

Upstream Value

Channel ID 2

Frequency 33000000 Hz

Ranging Service ID 184

Symbol Rate 2.560 Msym/s

Power Level 36 dBmV

Those signal levels are with a 6db tap DC Coupler

my ul dropped from 440 to 375 now. my dl is around 2 - 2.5 right now.

blocking p2p is good. itunes shouldn't be affected, since that isn't p2p. and gaming should not be affected by the p2p blocking at all, the oppositre should be the case. i have however noticed that connections are inconsistent, which could be the problem with the gaming. if they are currently trying to get the routing in miami, then that could explain the gaming problem.

san juan star today had a shoirt article on onelink. they want to offer hdtv for some channels and voip by prolly late in the year, they want to make sure that their net is ready for it. the  way it looks now they have work to do...

this is a little selfish of your part, I use p2p to transfer my songs and other stuff i do worldwide(songs that I make) and this doesnt help me

Not everybody has highspeed to play games and not everybody uses p2p for illegal reasons

anyways i dont have anything against you, but i do have it against adelphia/onelinkpr. they whould make everything they are doing, but from the looks of it, a lot of people are gonna cancel their service

Well if they fix and get their shit together people will stay with it, they just got to improve the quality of routing etc as per what parabot said. As I said earlier... they are trying a band-aid fix removing p2p and stuff like that instread of improving the distribution of bandwidth across the clients.

since when is prtshits dsl unrestricted? do you think i wanted to pay more and therefore went to adelphia? i wanted a more stable connection and open ports so i can use things like pcanywhere and so on.

and i just checked my modem to see why the ul went down.

upstream used to be 4800000, is now 4000000. downstream went from 480000 to 384000. so with the 375 kbit/s i'm maxing it exactly. thank god for small favors. (as i'm only paying for 256 up, as we all are, i'm not gonna call tech support to complain... :evil6: although it does annoy me a bit.)

i'm not even saying that the p2p will affect much, a block on certain ports is too easy to evade. but i am a troll and therefor i saw the need to comment.

as for distributing the bandwidth among the clients, i think they are doing exactly that. the problem is that at the moment the pipe in miami is clogged.

got drano?

my ul dropped from 440 to 375 now. my dl is around 2 - 2.5 right now.

blocking p2p is good. itunes shouldn't be affected, since that isn't p2p. and gaming should not be affected by the p2p blocking at all, the oppositre should be the case. i have however noticed that connections are inconsistent, which could be the problem with the gaming. if they are currently trying to get the routing in miami, then that could explain the gaming problem.

san juan star today had a shoirt article on onelink. they want to offer hdtv for some channels and voip by prolly late in the year, they want to make sure that their net is ready for it. the  way it looks now they have work to do...

And how is blocking p2p a good thing? P2P has its legitimate uses, they are blocking technologies not "innapropriate use" which is bullc**p. If they don't change this policy I will effectively cancel my account and take my business someplace else, hell i'll take some 128 KB DMAX or Wireless service over this sh*t anyday. I'm being called a lagger and a disconnector at my chess sites and they can't even believe I have a "3Mbit" broadband connection. ...Maybe they have some slow ass mechanism analyzing packets for p2p activity which might also be adding to the extremely poor speed performance.

Well if they fix and get their sh*t together people will stay with it, they just got to improve the quality of routing etc as per what parabot said. As I said earlier... they are trying a band-aid fix removing p2p and stuff like that instread of improving the distribution of bandwidth across the clients.

Only that blocking P2P creats a whole new set of problems, many people , like a previous poster depend on p2p for distribution and simply will have no use for a 3Mbit p2peerless connection. Let's face it, without p2p most people wouldn't need / want such a service. Even if they manage to fix and give me my full 3Mbit, without p2p I would still cancel even if there are no alternatives I would do it out of principle and protest.

ADD : Just got a DNS error after submitting, so my bad if there's a double post.

ALSO : Why would I pay $55 a month for browsing the internet , cheking email , etc ? I can do that with a 56K , and maybe with the 56K I'll have at least some better latency.

since when is prtsh*ts dsl unrestricted? do you think i wanted to pay more and therefore went to adelphia? i wanted a more stable connection and open ports so i can use things like pcanywhere and so on.

and i just checked my modem to see why the ul went down.

upstream used to be 4800000, is now 4000000. downstream went from 480000 to 384000. so with the 375 kbit/s i'm maxing it exactly. thank god for small favors. (as i'm only paying for 256 up, as we all are, i'm not gonna call tech support to complain... :evil6: although it does annoy me a bit.)

i'm not even saying that the p2p will affect much, a block on certain ports is too easy to evade. but i am a troll and therefor i saw the need to comment.

as for distributing the bandwidth among the clients, i think they are doing exactly that. the problem is that at the moment the pipe in miami is clogged.

got drano?

It's funny that while calling tech support today they had audio advertising the change and said "this will not affect your connection in any way" 


you are paying for 256 at adelphia/onelink? ...Maybe you are but I am paying for 3Mbit not 256 , I used to pay for 256 with PRTC.

It's funny that while calling tech support today they had audio advertising the change and said "this will not affect your connection in any way" 


he meant 256kbps upload, not download

since when is prtsh*ts dsl unrestricted? do you think i wanted to pay more and therefore went to adelphia? i wanted a more stable connection and open ports so i can use things like pcanywhere and so on.

and i just checked my modem to see why the ul went down.

upstream used to be 4800000, is now 4000000. downstream went from 480000 to 384000. so with the 375 kbit/s i'm maxing it exactly. thank god for small favors. (as i'm only paying for 256 up, as we all are, i'm not gonna call tech support to complain... :evil6: although it does annoy me a bit.)

i'm not even saying that the p2p will affect much, a block on certain ports is too easy to evade. but i am a troll and therefor i saw the need to comment.

as for distributing the bandwidth among the clients, i think they are doing exactly that. the problem is that at the moment the pipe in miami is clogged.

got drano?

It's the other way downstream was 4830000 now its 4000000 and upstream was 483000 now its 400000

And how is blocking p2p a good thing? P2P has its legitimate uses, they are blocking technologies not "innapropriate use" which is bullc**p. If they don't change this policy I will effectively cancel my account and take my business someplace else, hell i'll take some 128 KB DMAX or Wireless service over this sh*t anyday. I'm being called a lagger and a disconnector at my chess sites and they can't even believe I have a "3Mbit" broadband connection. ...Maybe they have some slow ass mechanism analyzing packets for p2p activity which might also be adding to the extremely poor speed performance.

They should even block Bit torrent , i dont use them that much.  :haha:  :evil6:

I bought it for speed , not to download from P2P.

They should even block Bit torrent , i dont use them that much.   :haha:  :evil6:

I bought it for speed , not to download from P2P.

I really hope you were being sarcastic...

If you weren't than you are selfish, I want the service to be the way it was.

My girlfriend used to pay $45( i think) for a 15Mbps line, unrestricted. We pay $56 for a 3Mbps line that right now is equal to a 256k dsl line and on top of that, restricted. ANyways, just because you dont use it doesnt mean they should block it, you should start think for everybody and not only for yourself. I want an unrestricted line bacuse I use my internet to its fullest capacity, therefore I understand everybody's need. I play games, I use programs such as itunes, bittorrent; I use webcam, I upload big files, I download big files. I have video conference, and I cant do any of it since we started having these problems. Like I said, I want the service to be exactly like it was, because I think its ridiculous to pay $56 for a restricted line

Guys, I think they fixed the problems last night while we were out drinking at the Calle San Sebastian festivities, I ran some tests and now the Miami routers are giving no problems at all, maybe that had to do with an angry customer like me who called the Adelphiacom.net IP Back bone team. lol

Online game play seemed to be smooth, no lag, at last...

My opinion about P2P, is that One Link should not block these ports, if they continue to do so, many customers will change to the new DSL thats on it's way.

I'll run some tests tonight while you guys drink and party in Old San Juan, and Ill post the results.


See ya...

I'm getting 100+kb/s downstream on p2p, so i think it was temporary, I hope I'm not wrong. If not there could be another solution, take a look at this http://www.centennialpr.com/ii/, It's a new wireless broadband service from centennial in the metro area i think. 2.4 mbps, 300-700 downstream, let me know what you think...

Well they fixed my packetloss problem and I am now consistently getting 3Mbps upwards. Cheers to onelinkpr for getting their shiat together. Also P2P is working again; I have it from an inside source that they were only testing when they blocked the P2P. However they did cap the upload significantl;y on P2P, which for me seems like a reasonable compromise.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3759 Kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 459 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2)

Test Time:: Fri Jan 20 2006 11:41:15 GMT-0400 (SA Western Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 67X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.23 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 68.41 % faster than the average for host (onelinkpr.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-EUOCYG9TZ

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