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I was wondering what exactly a person can do to make their cable internet speed the fastest it can be?

Here's some background info....

I have Comcast cable internet service... its advertized at 3.0mb/s down and 256kb/s up. I have a small home network with about 15 computers on it... its comprised mostly of hubs. I'm propbably going to change to one big Catalyst 16 port switch sometime soon. I have the standard issue Comcast cable modem that came with my service. I typically run about 1.0mb/s down and around 120k/s up.

First, what along the lines of modem hardware should I change to achieve the highest speed? Whats a good brand/model of cable modem to buy?

Second, what along the lines of software should I change? Is there some stuff that can be done in the registry to increase speed? I assume this would have to be done on each computer... Would it still increase speed even though none of my computers are directly connected to the modem?

Third, is Comcast's 4.0mb/s down and 384k/s up plan worth the extra $10 / month? Should I sign up for that?

Lastly, does Comcast use hardware bandwidth caps? I've heard of small inline devices used to make speeds stay within a certain range. If this is true, what are my options on that?

Thank you in advance for any ideas anyone might have...

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I was wondering what exactly a person can do to make their cable internet speed the fastest it can be?

Here's some background info....

I have Comcast cable internet service... its advertized at 3.0mb/s down and 256kb/s up. I have a small home network with about 15 computers on it... its comprised mostly of hubs. I'm propbably going to change to one big Catalyst 16 port switch sometime soon. I have the standard issue Comcast cable modem that came with my service. I typically run about 1.0mb/s down and around 120k/s up.

First, what along the lines of modem hardware should I change to achieve the highest speed? Whats a good brand/model of cable modem to buy?

Second, what along the lines of software should I change? Is there some stuff that can be done in the registry to increase speed? I assume this would have to be done on each computer... Would it still increase speed even though none of my computers are directly connected to the modem?

Third, is Comcast's 4.0mb/s down and 384k/s up plan worth the extra $10 / month? Should I sign up for that?

Lastly, does Comcast use hardware bandwidth caps? I've heard of small inline devices used to make speeds stay within a certain range. If this is true, what are my options on that?

Thank you in advance for any ideas anyone might have...

Hey schulte and welcome to the forum

1. i dont know what modem that works best, but ask your ISP what they recommend, or maybe somone here can give you a tip

2. Approx how many users is using the internet at same time? I do not know much about homenetworks, but do you use a pc with 2 networkadapters as server and hubs from that? If so i suggest to 1st tweak the server and see what happens to speed on the other pc

- Changing the modem wouldnt work, since comcast has specified serial numbers for each modem ( white sticker on back usualy) thats goes with that connection.

- For the extra $10 its deffinatly worth the upgrade with 15 comps on a single cable line.

- Comcast uses the config files sent by your isp to cap you, like vanburen said. And uncapping would be basicaly analing yourself.

alright, i see uncapping isnt the way to go.... but in terms of changing my modem... i called comcast and they said that i can use whatever modem i want as long as its on their list of "cerified" modems...


any recomendations?

On another topic, ironicly last night ive been having alot of problems with my comcast cable... and a few friends i know that live in town are having similar problems... im getting around 76kb/s download speed. anyone else in southern central CT having trouble with comkast?


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