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okay, i would recommend a Linksys:


It looks like that its model name is WRT54GS....

It is B + G compatible and is a switch built-in so it eliminates collision domains. It works with 802.11B and 802.11G networks, and works at a maximum of 54mbps. You get a range of 150ft. Easy set-up! Runs at anywhere from $50-$70, works very well with other linksys products. Works with all isps that have a ethernet-based internet service (most common isp).

I recommend it 100%, if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

I don't know if you guys are aware of this post?  I use hyperwrt Firmware with my WRT54GS router instead of Linksys firmware and got to tell ya it works great.  The best feature is the ability to increase the transmit power for this router.  I believe the default is about 50% I increase it to 67% and I get a damn got connection with all my wireless comps.  I also recommend this product. 


P.S. This router also works damn better if you purchase the 7 gain antennas as I have.

P.P.S After contacting linksys they informed me the best Perferred DNS server numbers to use are: and the Alternate DNS server numbers are:  Linksys says these are comcast's DNS server numbers and they are better the then the Public numbers such as  I do use these numbers and they seem to be fine.

i would stay away from linksys because they have become crap over the past 6 months they are designing and making these things so fast they have no time to fix all the little problems. I would go with eather th belkin Pre-N or the netgear mimo router.




http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833314014 :evil3:

No, please do not listen to dlewis. Linksys hardware is cisco certified, making it pretty much the best on the market. And dlewis what bugs are you having that would even make you say that they are coming out with new products to fast.

I don't know if you guys are aware of this post?

I had a wireless Belkin G router and wireless modem, but i didn't have hardly any signal.  what would you guys recommend for that?  I am goin to staples to return the Belkin i just purchased last week.  thanks.

How much do you want to spend on a router?

I had a linksys cable modem. It was doing great for about "almost" a year. After very slow download speed, just went to get a new modem "Motorola SB5120". This bad boy rocks.

I also have a Linksys router "WRT54GS". Bought it same day when I got the linksys modem. Only thing that sucks about is hooking your laptop and/or desktop wireless. Has very bad signal range. The way I have mine stuff connected is all "wired". 

Yep I have tried everything even tried my friends antenna for the router still sucks. And I also have "WMP54GS" for the "WRT54GS" on one of my coumputer.  If I would get another wireless router I would go for  Linksys WRT54GX

okay, i would recommend a Linksys:


It looks like that its model name is WRT54GS....

It is B + G compatible and is a switch built-in so it eliminates collision domains. It works with 802.11B and 802.11G networks, and works at a maximum of 54Mbps. You get a range of 150ft. Easy set-up! Runs at anywhere from $50-$70, works very well with other linksys products. Works with all isps that have a ethernet-based internet service (most common isp).

I recommend it 100%, if you have any questions please email me at [email protected]

that pic you're showing is NOT the WRT54GS

OK went with the lynksis, and I like it.  I use the lynksys wireless network monitor and my comp will sometime connect to the router, but not to the net...  but if i click on use the windows XP wireless stuff it works good. what do you think I should do??  thanks for the help.

Wait did you purchase an adapter or router?  If you purchased the router was it a wrt54G or GS?  I would never go with Windows to handle my wireless connections.  If your computer (the one using an adapter or hardwired) can connect to the router but not the internet are u using any encryption?  Sometimes its as simple as entering your wep key again.

Well. it will connect sometimes, and earlier it connected to the internet through the monitor and i did a speed test and it was 166k and then i switched to let windows manage it and it was 1.2M,  is there something else i can use to manage my wireless connection, and also how do i get or know if I need firmware for my router etc.?

OK your router is connected to your main computer via the NIC.  Is the NIC set at 10 or 100 full duplex or what?  Also, have you tried to uninstall your NIC driver and reboot.  Further, are u using any TCP/IP tweaks like VanBuren's cablenut settings and the Cablenut program?



If you are having signal trouble i would go with mimo technology I run a belkin with mimo and it doubled my range with excellent throughput. i think netgear is the only other one that offers mimo but it is worth the extra $$$$

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