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speed optimizers

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Guest testdog

I have been hearing all kinds of stuff about speed optimizers for increasing your surf and on-line game speeds, I do not know if any are real or just hoaxes.

any info regarding the truth of these would be helpful.

I have a pretty good cable co, i got 1000down and 200up, but upload speed seems to be slower than that most of the time...

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Guest The Man !! Beat This

Uncap? sounds like what I do to my beer!!! It does work, check my speeds under the forum. I get 7mbit, well more really, but I have to slow my **** down to run some of the tests. Look at the posts uder cable Tweeked a little bit HA HA.

Get a Toshiba PCX2200, You can work with it. Not to mention my speed is in an apartment complex with over 1000 units, so if you are at a house screw your neighbors also. They don't need all that bandwidth... You do!!

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8) There are many downloads to improve speed,I was able to boost my speed by about 50% with a new pc.As has been pointed out some of the shi@#$% out there can kill your speed,as long as you have a GOOD copy of the reg you can tweak all u want.Have fun do lots of testing and you should be able to make it a "hot rod" no matter what the speed is.In years past my friend and I were able to make a 56k about 20% faster than most said was possible(just to prove a point) To me the fun has been being told u cant do that and trying anyway,sometimes they were right but not always,and I hade a lot of fun and learned alot in the mean time.

Microwave )

P.S. have a good copy of the Reg or u are in deep do do.

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There is however a cap on your cable modem, your ISP sends a config file to your modem which tells your modem what the maximum upload and download speed is. There is a way around this but a lot of Cable providers have gotten wise to this. Especially if you have Cox as your broadband provider don't even waste your time tring to upcap your modem. They query your modem, check your config and if it differs you are screwed and may be banned for abuse.

Some other providers, (smaller ones usually) you can uncap quite easily just by acting like you are the TFTP server (the server that sends the config file) by spoofing the IP and uploading the config file via TFTP. I'm not going to give too much info on this because I work for a cable provider and it's not very ethical for me to release info about this. But it is very possible, before Cox implemented a little extra security I experimented with this and yes it does work. You do however need curtain modems that have a flaw in them that allows the config file to be updated VIA the ethernet port versus the RF (cable) port. Surfboard is the main player in this flaw. Also you need to have firmware 4.4.0 or lower, if you have a surfboard modem you can look into your modems built in http server and see what firmware you have ( if you see "SB4200-" you are screwed... your ISP has updated your firmware and fixed the flaw... meaning you now can't update your firmware via the eathernet port and there for also can't update your config file.

Anyway, my whole point to this is that no mater how much registry tweaking you do... you can never go faster than your ISP wants you to... if you are getting really awesome speeds over what your ISP considers their maximum speed... consider yourself lucky.

As for your situation micro, Cox has just recently opened up out there in Tucson... and to tell you the truth they are letting you have more bandwidth than advertised because they want you to tell all of your friends and since they don't have the customer base that they intend to have they have a little extra bandwidth to throw around, why not use it for marketing... very smart indeed.

When I first got cable internet on the @home network (I was in the first group to get to enjoy this wonderful thing) the speed was 3 Mbit down AND upstream faster than t1 (latency just wasn't as good) of course I was serving files like CRAZY... and so was everyone else, that is why we now have caps :-/ ~~ those were the good old days when it was only 29.95 per month (but the modem was $499.99 and it was a lan city) ~ only about 6 months later they put a 128 cap on the upload speed, couple years later that was upped to 256... NOW... here is some new NEWS... product tiering starts in October and their will be three levels of service 128/128, 3000/256 and 4000/368 so if you are thirsty for a bit more speed... it's coming soon ... hefty price at 79.95 for the 'premire' version though ~~~ hopefully as an employee I get hooked up. :-)

Again, enjoy the speed while you can :-) ~~very sweet indeed!

and AGAIN to all of you, if you have Cox HSI... don't waste your time tring to uncap... you will only hurt yourself... out of ALL Cable providers Cox is the leader in fraud protection and you will be banned... :-/ ~~ I wish I could figure it out :-P

- CA3LE!

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cry ca3le guy thats not fair you work for cox in Phx. lucky for me I live in Tucson and use cox,although I would never do any thing or advise anyone to do anything unethicial there are still ways to milk every ounce of bandwidth and still surf below the radar.Im not sure if some things are worth the effort though.I know the rules are for everyone and for the protection of the customer and the vendors but it sure is fun to think about things and to go right up to the line without crossing.Thats why its good that when the speed limit on I.S. 10 is 75mph you can fudge a little ,like maybe 81mph and the DPS guys dont take much notice, especially if you have a radar detector. Im glad I play by the rules ?? It is nice that you take the time to warn folks. As always I enjoy this site(within limits that is ha ha) thanks for your hard work.

Microwave cry

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  • 2 months later...

In reading your piece above, I saw that you mentioned that in Tuscon,AZ. Cox allows users higher speeds than their "advertised speeds", or in your words

"letting you have more bandwidth than advertised because they want you to tell all of your friends and since they don't have the customer base that they intend to have they have a little extra bandwidth to throw around, why not use it for marketing."

Now does that mean though your caps are 3000 down and 256 up,Cox allows users 'higher' download speeds, maybe up to 4Mbps or somewhere in that area, or am I mistaken?

I live in Calif. and in looking at the 4 primary speedtests that BBR supports, most cox users both here, and at "a lot" of the other cities they provide service for, seem to allow most users higher than the 3Mbps 'promised' speeds. This is based only from those Cox customers who post their speeds in those forums.There seem to be a lot more customers with speeds higher than 3Mb than lower.Again,this is only from those who post their speeds based on the 4 speedtests provided by BBR.

Is it for that same reason; to provide a "little extra bandwidth" to keep their customers happy, and so that their client base grows?

I know that SBC(PacBell)DSL is their main competition here, and while their speeds top out at 1500, their prices are lower as well.

Maybe we're just lucky here in Calif. that Cox, more often than not,keeps their promise on providing 'up to' their advertised speeds

Since you are a knowledgeable Cox person, I figure that you know more than most about this subject.

I'd appreciate hearing your views regarding Cox's position on their 'promised' speeds, and what they actually provide,here in Calif., in AZ, and in the other areas they serve.

Your thoughts and opinions on this subject would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much. Bertski

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well, though I am not 100% told about any of this, my guess would be that this is a "customer service" move... I myself am getting over 4 mbps and am only supposed to get 3mbps (my upload has stayed at 256 though and has not been effected) ~~ This is all since that post I made... cox has done some upgrades and has a little extra bandwidth, I'm not one to complain about that :-) ~~ but I sure as hell am going to enjoy it while I have it :-D

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8) ditto here in Tucson, although I don't work for cox as Damon does it does appear in Tsn. I'm getting alot more than I pay for.It seems like a good move to me cause not alot of people in my area are not able to take advantage of the extra bandwidth. I very often have a lot higher upload than I pay for.Right now my shi@ is slower due to some junk that jack me. But I will fix (I HOPE) in a bit and be back to "normal" I don't know about others but I am really happy with my service with cox hsi in Tucson AZ.

microwave D

P.S. This is not a paid advertisement.

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My max is 3 Mbps and this is what i get...

::: Download Stats :::

Connection is: 3807 kbps about 4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is: 465 Kb/sec

Auth Code: 2057106 (validate a http://www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line: 68 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2 second(s)

Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check_dn.cgi?num=2057106&kbps=3807&gen=gen

haha, Cox Communications RULES!

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