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*Basic 56K Dial-Up Tweaks *

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Dial-up settings These are for ME but some will be simular in XP.I hope you find some of it useful.

Download & install Cablenut;use the ccs file for your OS & connection.

I make these adjustments to Cablenut for a custom dial-up file if it doesn't make yours work better you can use the ones that

it puts in automatically.On the RWIN use the one of the settings suggested by

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To find the location of your telephone company switching office;

Click here <+> http://www.dslreports.com/coinfo

This link is for CO Distance(doesn't work for everyone)


<img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/USATELCO.png" alt="USATELCO.png" />

      [ my 92,121 byte download test ~ lol]

Guess what! I live Two blocks away from mine.

That might explain the excellent speeds I get.

Forum LACYWA01: Post!


Address: 1311 COLLEGE SE

This CO feature set:

Note: If you are not a Telco guru or network admin,

these codes are of no interest, and do not relate to DSL service

WE DS1 Capable Wire Center

TH Frame Relay SAP-Frame Switch

TA Access concentrator

RM Program audio bridging

RH Telemetry and alarm bridging-passive

RG Telemetry and alarm bridging-summation

RF Telemetry and alarm bridging-split band

RE Telephoto bridging

RD Voice grade data bridging

RC Voice bridging

PL Swiched access-price zone 3

PC Special access-price zone 3

HD 800 query charge billing

GJ Public switch 64KBS clear channel (ISDN)

GD 800 or 800 type service

GC WATS or WATS type service

DA Feature group D with 10XXX dialing

BA Feature group B

Qwest Network Modification Statement [Word Document]


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