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Hello, firstly let me tell you my pc specs.


256Mb Ram

Windows XP SP2

i also have a pritty good connection but just a really slow pc.

it takes about 2-3mins boot up and then 1min to stablise.

i have mc afee full ebterprise software on it, mozilla, limewire, nero 7, system mechanic professional 7, adoce reader 7, microsoft office xp 2006 full, and more

its really slow please can someone help me i also have 2 hardrives

1----- 120GB Maxtor

2---- 20GB Maxtor.

I dont know what to do please help

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More Ram isn't only a good idea, it will be required if you multitask.

I agree with the recommendations of those in here - 512 is a start. I have a Gig of it, and I still have issues once in a while.

Since we are near X-Mas, watch the local papers for sales on it.. they are notorious for trying to get you to spend your money to boost sales, so you can normally get a great deal. In the US, I have seen 512 for sale for $79.

Best Buy, Circuit City and stores that do nothing BUT computer sales are a good bet.

About compatibility, google the processor you have such and add +RAM+Compatible. Not to hard. If you need more help searcing for online deals, PM me. I'm a chick, i can SHOP!


After you do get more ram, let us know, my bet after that is spy/adware or a good trojan supporter which can be free, but you cant know if it will REALLY help until you upgrade.

Another avenue is turing off your automatic start up user proceese, but I won't get into that right now.

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 10299 Kbps about 10.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 1257 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Nov 30 2005 15:18:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 184X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.81 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 129.99 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-F1K98Z4UG

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what i ended up doing to my comp is taking off mcafee.....it takes up alot of resources. i also press cntl alt delete and look at the running processes and see if there is anything running that u doent really need. the other thing u could look for is "Sysinternals Process Explorer" which will help in seeing what is running. cant remember where i got mine but i refer to it all the time. as for a firewall i now use sygate and a for Anti virus i use AVG. both use far less resources and my comp runs better

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