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Help! Computer Making weird noise!

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Lorne is most likely right - a HUM should prolly be a fan. To avoid this, get a second one, or move your PC away from the wall (if that doesn't work right now, until you can get another one, use an external fan and have it blow directly on the back of your PC or set it on TOP of the AC vent and turn the AC ON ;) ), and out from underneath anything else, and see if that helps. If not, you may HAVE to get another fan. I have 4.

Believe it or not, I still get overheating.

A CLANK will be your hard drive going bad (most likely) and not something to play around with.

Run a virus scan, spyware and adware scan just to be safe. Worms and Trojans are nasty.

I agree - PSU and fan are the most important components in your PC.  You can have the fastest CPU, RAM and HD in the world, but if they're overheating, say goodnight.

rsp34434, you can get aerosol cans of air that are perfect for blowing dust out of tight spots.  I keep one on hand at all times to prevent any sort of build-up.  You shouldn't let your fan get as bad as it seems yours did, and I would look into replacing it in case there has been some permanent damage.

Ok, thanks. But i actually think its time to build a new computer. Its been about 2 years and the stuff i have is kinda out dated and i could use a new cpu. Anyway, thanks for your help.

Get a good PSU! at least 400-watt

easy. go to the manufacturers websites and look at the data sheets for all the components. they should list the power consumption. don't forget when shopping for an adequate power supply that for example a 400 watt ps can't supply 400 watts on the 12v side. the number given is always a total of all the voltages combined.

disable it. turn off the comp, stick a pen in it, and turn it back on. the motor should fry after several minutes of nonrotation and you can then remove the pen. no more noise.

if however, you're going to nitpick and say that that will lead to the untimely demise of your ps due to eventual overheating, i can't actually deny that. if the prospect of releasing the magical blue smoke from your box bothers you, you can either replace the whole ps or, if you feel you are capable of some mechanical work, open up the ps, yank the old fan, replace it with an appropriate model and keep what you have. if you open up the ps, make sure that you have it unplugged, are grounded with a resistor in series to avoid a cross the body shock should a discharging capacitor zap you and use insulated electrician type tools. if you can't protect yourself that way, just shell out the 40 bucks for a decent replacement power supply or replace the whole case for one of those blinking/flashy/lasercut gamer boxes.

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