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Finally, my real speed

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Surely you upload better than a 33.6K modem right?

Because that's what I have for an upload. One way acable sucks for upload, but I never upload anything so I don't really care. I just get sick of everyone saying "Oh my god, there must be something wrong".

There isn't, thats one way cable.

Here it is,of course thats my paid for speed (UP)Yeh your upload does suck but like you said nothing is wrong,thats oneway for ya.

Upload Stats

Connection is 252 kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 386 KB)

Upload Speed is 31 Kb/sec

Auth Code 253781 (validate a http//www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line 4 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 33 second(s)

Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=253781&kbps=252&gen=gen&a=16&b=6.28571428571429&c=1144.57142857143


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I would kill for that.

Try uploading at 3KB/s.

Fine, I'll post some speed tests at dslreports.




Awesome download, shit upload.

Actually, it is a bit higher than that but the tests say other. It's about 30kb/s.

Oh my God that does SUCK,well at least we download jpegs (HA HA)!I guess its something you live with or pay for another kinda service.My thoughts are like yours with a good down like you have its not the most important issue! Right?

microwave^ 8)

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ice, it is only love towards you, manly love that is,, no ill harm mean't. If you move to where Cox Cable is, Damon aka Cable Guy can hook you up with a really fast internet connection. :wink::wink:

peace my brother, and remember think good thoughts


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You guys might want to check this out... I just did this today :)


Do the screenshots of the real world downloads show the average speed, or the speed in the final second? I think it would make quite a difference.

Also. testmy.net KB/s speed was rounded to no decimals, rounding it to two decimals would make it more accurate and it might even get closer to the real world download speed.

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Most other sites were rounding also... some didn't ~~ I just posted exactly what was on the results page of each site. That will only have a max offset of 0.5 kbps ~~ which isn't really measurable anyway.

And yes, when you download a file in Internet Explorer it does average the entire download :wink:

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Most other sites were rounding also... some didn't ~~ I just posted exactly what was on the results page of each site. That will only have a max offset of 0.5 kbps ~~ which isn't really measurable anyway.

The endresults (the difference in KB/sec) were rounded to integer by most websites, while the actual difference in kbps was only 3.1 kbps, and that's much less than 0.7 KB/sec if I'm not mistaken.

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IE does a crap load of mathematics to get it's average.. and it takes into account the burst at the begining of the download... from the time that it took you to choose where you wanted to save the file... because when you click to download a file in IE it starts the download almost right away.. even when you are selecting where to save the files and what not it is downloading... this can give you scewed results, you have to litterally click the download and click enter and save it where ever to get the most accurate results in IE.

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lol :D

But if you will look at the ENTIRE benchmark I did, I used the same scale for all sites, not like I am trying to fuck with the conversion or something...

testmy.net :::: +0.7 off or "+5.7344 kilobits/sec" to be exact

bandwidth pl :: -12.3 off or "-100.7616 kilobits/sec" to be exact

2 wire ::::::::: -62.73 off or "-513.88416 kilobits/sec" to be exact

and so on

How does that make ANY differance, besides makeing the other guys look even WORSE that testmy.net ~~ the 3rd place site was off by 1/2 Mbps!! And 2nd place was 18 times less accurate than my site (oh wait, you like exact numbers 17.571 times less accurate ;))

So what is your whole point here RTB?

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We all know that testmy.net is better than anything else out there. Personally I dont want 37 numbers for my speed i am fine with a nice little, fewest numbers as possible, number for my speed. i am not interested in some crazy ass number that looks like this 2852.1354854358945135845kbs Screw that i dont care that much about it.

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ca3le guy has done this type of calculation many times before,I have found that over the long haul(and short) his math and given speeds are way more accurate than the other sites.I also have done a lot of testing all over the net, although my test are much less scientific than ca3le guys, I come up with the same results.So you can rest assured that not only is this the best testing site its the MOST accurate bar none!So I for one certainly appreciate his hard work that he gives freely to us the INTERNET community as I'm sure you do also.I have watched as he goes the extra mile to make his site perfect, if there is one little miscalculation in code or any thing else he works on it until its solved.I wish I knew half of his expertise with java, building a site and maintaining it etc....I guess what I'm saying is I'm glad he took the time and effort to do all this work or else Id have to rely on one of the sites that I know are usually off by more than 10%.Thanks Damon D

8) microwave

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Swimmer: That amount of numbers is pointless, as there is nothing smaller than an bit. I prefer more exact amounts than he showed at the benchmark, but that doesn't mean I don't respect him for the hard work.

The best part is that it's free! Thanks Ca3le :)

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8) Download Stats

Connection is 3826 kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is 467 Kb/sec

Auth Code 2057391 (validate a http//www.testmy.net)

Bottom Line 68 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.19 second(s)

Validation Link http//testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?num=2057391&kbps=3826&gen=gen&a=2.28571428571429&b=0&c=1145.14285714286

I have not been able to achieve my prior speeds after I got jacked by one of those scum sucking browser hijacking bottom feeding turds~~~of course I'm not bitter hahaha

microwave! x

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Does this count?

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5064 Kbps about 5.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 618 KB/sec

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 90 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.66 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=RB84265FX

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