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- However, many private tracker operators argue that BitComet does not honor the private flag. Instead, the torrent is shared on the DHT network and those who do not belong to the private tracker can freely leech off the resources of that community. That is the much simplified story many private trackers are telling. -

Full Story: Banned Comet

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Azureus is fairly good, but it doesn't have all the advanced options of Bitcomet, but that makes it quick to learn.

Additionally it requires the Java Virtual Machine package to be installed, this cause some problems on some machines in the past but it is a lot better with the newer versions.

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i don't think it's really that big of a deal, i mean - how many trackers are flagged private comparatively speaking?  and the article did say that the flag is not honored by BC only when the tracker has been unavailable for a certain amount of time - and that is what DHT is for, right?

i'm sitll using BC and still happy - no problems at all so far.  i used Azureus before but it hogged to much CPU and the java was just a mess.  i actually like BC better.  those are the only two i've used so i don't know about others.

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Using bitcomet on public trackers isn't a big deal right now because public trackers usually don't track ratios. When your using a private tracker they sometimes do track the ul/dl ratio and if it isn't high enough then they ban you. So using bitcomet on a private tracker is usually banned because of it reporting the ratio correctly.

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Although many users say they like it alot, I've never used BitComet. My main app has always been Shad0w's Experimental Client (now called Bit Tornado). It's always given me insane speeds, so I don't think I'll switch permanently any time soon. :)

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Do you really notice faster speeds with bit tornado, or could it just be the torrent your downloading, like it has lots of seeders? Or have you actually compared them by trying the same torrent on different clients and comparing speeds?

Well, I've used it in comparison to Burst!, and it had significantly higher speeds. The amount of seeds were plentiful when tested. This was back in 2003 though. :)


(Beautyshop was aquired through a client based off of an early version of Shad0w's work. Many of today's trackers refuse it because of it's outdated protocol, but when it's connected, it gets the job done. :)

I didn't get a sharing shot of CoD2 (recent .torrent), but I did give it all back and then some. The speed did slow down to the mid 600's, but the transfer was still pretty quick:)):

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