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i was reading, in the august 2003' Tips & Tricks. That sony so called was releasing their newest system, "PSX" Basicly a ps2 on steroids, Xbox released there system (360) with a 120 gig hdd, Sony has the same hdd size, and the PSX, Also comes with a Tivo live recorder. Seem's to me XBOX stole sony's system?, heres a picture of what it looks like.


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Im not gonna correct u cuz, im not too sure myself lol.. for all we know.. ps3 will come out.. then the psx.. but on that paper thing it says may come out "NEXT YEAR IN 2004" so im assuming either they transformed psx into ps3 OR they are gonna get ps3 out.. take so much money.. then release psx and get more money once the ps3 gets less popular..

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so if the psx has tivo functions and is based on the ps1, the ps3 which is what the psx was supposed to be is a ps1 melded with a tivo? sounds like microsoft wins this round uncontested. :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6: :evil6:

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From what it looks like,this is something completely different than the PS3,this looks like something SONY aimed torwards media oriented people,but to be used more like a DVR,and I think this was released only in Japan a while back,not to sure myself but trust me,this has nothing to do with the PS3 and this is not what the PS3 will be :)

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The PSX has 5 processors running concurrently, similar to the Atari Jaguar. Then main processor is the powerful LSI R3000A 32 bit RISC processor (licensed from SGI), running at 33.8 Mhz. In addition to it, there is a 66 MIPS High-speed Matrix Processor for calculating 3D polygons, there is a graphics processor for displaying sprites (2D) at 60 frames a second, a sound processor for doing CD quality sound and a 80 MIPS Data Expansion Engine for decompressing graphics and sound data from the CD-ROM.

All of that sounds like pretty old technology to me, so that just reaffirms my belief that the psx is now the ps3 or is undergoing some big changes.

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Guest Kilroy44

The PSX is a totally different project than the PS3. LIke its been stated it was basically a PS2/tivo combo. Due to its limited and very little succsess in Japan the PSX was never released states side. So in a way sony kind of scraped the projcet. The PS3 remaines a completely seprate entity and is just their next generation system. It's not a updated version of the PSX

hope that clears some things up:)

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