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            I know a fair amount of cisco programming and haventwent to any classes so i dont know how to connect my pc to my cisco router

I know you need a serial cable ...

I know you need a crossover cable....


I dont know do you need both cables connected ?

And which program do u use to go into the router and get to program interface?

And does cisco routers have dhcp cause i see alot of diagrams with just the router and switch then client network?

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Yeah for 4 things, you want me download a whole manual. If you dont know just dont answer!! jeeess!!

Can it really hurt to have a manual?  I bet some of the people that would help you, would read it, just to help you out..(remember there are tons of different routers, and no one can know everything about every one of them...thats why they make manuals)

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i understand but the question is directed to cisco administrators who deal with routers everyday that would say what type of router they are familiar with, and the type of cables used (nothing i ask is for anyone to go and stress themselves over reading manuals i just would like answers based on experience if you have none .dont answer)

Thank you!!!!

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ah, so you expect everyone that has ever connected a pc or other device to a cisco router and used the cisco software to configure said router to post their experiences. then you will go and see if any of that info can be applied to your router. at least have the courtesy to p[ost the model router you are trying to hook up to so those that have irrelevant info don't need to bother replying.

and btw, in all this time you spent arguing that you expect your information predigested and spoonfed you could have downloaded the manual pertaining to your model number and found the needed info.

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UR right on incorrect posting !!! but this site is here to help people not to redirect them to other sites for help ......................where the problem can be explained in a few words ...spoonfeeding is partly what this site is here to do (to simplyfy solving a problem so u dont have to go and download manuals or do research.

THATS WHY WE ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets keep it that way

Thank you

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so has anyone posted anything on connecting to an unknown cisco router? seems not. so let me help you some more. go to the router. find the model number. post what the hell you're trying to connect to. and since there seems to be no great interest in connecting to small business or larger routers here, i suggest you /do/ take that model number and stick it where the sun doesn't shine to the cisco site and look up the info.

and i would have bothered to see if there was a quick setup guide and pointed you to that to follow the steps suggested by cisco if i knew what router you were sitting in front of.

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so has anyone posted anything on connecting to an unknown cisco router? seems not. so let me help you some more. go to the router. find the model number. post what the hell you're trying to connect to. and since there seems to be no great interest in connecting to small business or larger routers here, i suggest you /do/ take that model number and stick it where the sun doesn't shine to the cisco site and look up the info.

and i would have bothered to see if there was a quick setup guide and pointed you to that to follow the steps suggested by cisco if i knew what router you were sitting in front of.

I can't read whats behind that line....Hmm

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It is a Cisco C2500 Software (C2500-JS-M), Version 12.1(9)T,  RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright © 1986-1999 by Boson Software, Inc.

Compiled Wed 07-Apr-99 15:53 by pwade

Image text-base: 0x80008084, data-base: 0x80A554CC

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know do you need both cables connected ?

And which program do u use to go into the router and get to program interface?

And does cisco routers have dhcp cause i see alot of diagrams with just the router and switch then client network?

Quick Answer :

1: Possibly, depends on what you are trying to accomplish

2. Telnet

3. Yes

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