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try these Cablenut settings:


DefaultReceiveWindow = 8192

DefaultSendWindow = 4096

DisableAddressSharing = 1

InitialLargeBufferCount = 20

InitialMediumBufferCount = 48

InitialSmallBufferCount = 64

LargeBufferSize = 40960

MaxFastTransmit = 6400

MediumBufferSize = 15040

Priority Boost = 0

SmallBufferSize = 1280

TransmitWorker = 32

FastSendDatagramThreshhold = 1024

EnableFastRouteLookup = 1

EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1

IgnorePushBitsOnReceives = 0

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 8760

MaxFreeTcbs = 2000

MaxHashTableSize = 4096

MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000

SackOpts = 1

SynAttackProtect = 1

Tcp1323Opts = 0

TcpLogLevel = 1

TcpMaxDupAttacks = 2

TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100

TcpMaxHalfOpenRetired = 80

TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460

TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460

TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0

TcpWindowSize = 8760

MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 8

MaxConnectionsPerServer = 4

DefaultTimeToLive = 128

DefaultUserTOSSetting = 0

TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6

DefaultTOSValue = 240

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eh... i dont think it really helped much...still connect at 50.2 kbps

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 45 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Sun Dec 25 14:23:01 CST 2005

Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 204.8 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 6.61 % of your hosts average (uu.net)    *peoplepc*

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YLRJ7SVED

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Connection speed is determined by the quality of your phone line... with 53.3 being the highest possible, your 50.2 is excellent though your actual download speed could be improved. but I think that is a latency issue. try making the following changes:

DefaultReceiveWindow = 32768

DefaultSendWindow = 16384

DisableAddressSharing = 1

InitialLargeBufferCount = 200

InitialMediumBufferCount = 480

InitialSmallBufferCount = 640

LargeBufferSize = 819200

MaxFastTransmit = 64000

MediumBufferSize = 150400

Priority Boost = 0

SmallBufferSize = 12800

TransmitWorker = 32

FastSendDatagramThreshhold = 4096

EnableFastRouteLookup = 1

EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1

IgnorePushBitsOnReceives = 0

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 17520

MaxFreeTcbs = 8000

MaxHashTableSize = 16384

MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000

SackOpts = 1

SynAttackProtect = 1

Tcp1323Opts = 0

TcpLogLevel = 1

TcpMaxDupAttacks = 3

TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100

TcpMaxHalfOpenRetired = 80

TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460

TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460

TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0

TcpWindowSize = 17520

MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 10

MaxConnectionsPerServer = 8

DefaultTimeToLive = 64

DefaultUserTOSSetting = 0

TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6

DefaultTOSValue = 240

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bought a new phone line? you mean a new cord in the house? with phone line quality being relevant he meant the line from the telco to you. all the connections on switches, the state of the cables, gauge of cables, interference on cables etc. etc. etc. playing into that. if you've got a cruddy line to your house you can pass the signal to the comp through gold ingots and it won't affect your speed. well, ok, it will slow you down because gold, while being good as a contact because of it's softness doesn't actually conduct all that well. but you get the general idea. or not. doesn't matter. have a nice day.

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TimPawlak ; 45 Kbps is pretty good for dial-up especially if that is average for you.There are some Cablenut suggestions in All Dial -up. Try some of the other tweaks to make your browser load better this can make it work faster that the test indicates.How does it web surf ?

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