Thankyou CA3LE for that reply,
I appreciate the time you have given to this thread.
here is the latest response from the ISP
Please see below for answers to your queries highlighted in yellow:
Q:Are the two connections load balanced or do they aggregate into a single connection?
A:This is one single Internet Service.
Q:Can I make a single 2000 Mbps connection to a capable host on the internet like I can with my current 1000 Mbps connection or will I be limited to the speed of one of the two connections?"
A: As this is one single Internet Service, yes you can.
Q:Could we discuss and data cap as I'm a household/office and I'm not reselling bandwidth or using excessive amount of data.
A: Sorry this isn’t possible as we do not have capped data plans, we only provide an Unlimited Data Internet Service.
Q:Could i get a charge that's in line with the $2,275 for 1Gb to say $4550 for a 2Gb and cap my data usage?
or $5050 for 2Gb with $500 going towards the upgrades. over 3yrs
As above, we cannot offer a data capped plan. However please find some options below where ......has had some sharper pricing approved for you. The pricing is more inline with the figures you have quoted in the above question and if you are open to extending to a 60 month term the price per month is actually below those figures.
3 years
I'm very happy with this result, thankyou again for your insight, it helped me a lot.
I think I'll take the 5 yrs.