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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. oh, and rtb, for the quotes, turn em into jpg.s and attach em to sig...
  2. xmechanic, welcome! speak freely.
  3. fake results? it's this awesome legit test page...
  4. i miss fidonet.
  5. ah, truth revealed. this is all about rev finding an excuse to indulge his fetish.
  6. oh thought you did it. and i think with your pos one neg looks good. like a good classic car, a little 'patina' raises the value.
  7. or you can ground it like a grounding strap, they should, if they are worth something anyway, have a resistor of around a megaohm. this is to keep a static charge trickling out, but prevents you getting shocked if you touch a highly charged part. if you are using the method of just holding on to a grounded metal rod, and you for example grab a capacitor, you will get a healthy cross the body shock, which can be quite lethal. (can tike as little as a 30 milliamp charge to make ya croak). so ideally, you are grounded only by the strap via the resistor, and you will be safe®. don't go taking this as an invitation to grab live components. you can still damage the or you. also, if you are using a grounding strap, it will come with a mat you place the comp or whatever on, that provides the same protection. also the baggies electronic gadgets come in. they are metallically coated, but they have a high resistance also, to dissipate a charge slowly. otherwise you could be charged, touch the bag, and kill the component. so if you ground your dish using a sufficiently strong and heavy duty resistor, also large enough to preventthe lightning from simply arcing around it, you would be able to dissipate a charge while reducing the lightning path. or, as the rev said, put a lightning rod above and behind the dish, to not block its los (duh) and protect it that way. i do not have the technical knowledge that pertains to calculating a lightning rods protective area, but maybe someone else here will be able to offer you advice on how to scale it. it's all based on a volume extending outward from the rod, encompassing a safe space it creates. etc. etc. etc. yadda yadda.
  8. yeah, with a system unloaded by any other up/dls, i get 2300 to 2400, testing here at same time 2800-2900. 3k cap like i said, their network is as borked as their phone system. i swear, a herd of epileptic monkeys would do a better job.
  9. does it make my humor too dry and sarcastic if all i did was laugh at indestructable's post and never once thought to get my hackles up? which is not to say i don't respect the rev, it's just bleedin' funny!
  10. too bad they don't have an upload test, we could make rtb's head explode.
  11. the very best utility is a raid 5 array.
  12. lol. neat. will use to dumbfound clueless bud. mwahaha
  13. hm, here's a good one.... http://www.aol.com
  14. holy hell. how the fuck did you get that result. i usually get realistic results slowed only by their borked net. :shock: don't let rtb see that or you're at the top of his list.
  15. ok, here's a speed test in Puerto Rico, for all you that want to try off the reservation routes. http://speed1.prtc.net they are supposed to also have one called speed2 etc, in a different city, but they seem to have borked it, just like those monkeys at puerto rico telephone company bork everything else. like selling dsl with all ports blocked no matter how much you bitch and moan. if i want to block ports, i'll firewall em myself!
  16. and remember, another /physical/ drive. not just another partition. otherwise, if the disk dies, you're borked.
  17. i got between 1548 and 3111. my cap is 3/256
  18. maybe you should repost your instructions on how to realign the dish on the boards that steal your content. just edit them a little. make sure the dish is transmitting so you can detect the signal, stand in the direct path of the dish, dangle your balls in front of the transmitter and such.
  19. if this keeps up i'm gonna get the record for total karma klicks. good to see there's someone watching over me.
  20. i do not think it is in bad taste, since none of the misinformation you gave here was actually life threatening, yet juicy enough for them to spread around and foil themselves. do it more often, create a harmless phrase wiyth high bs content, then google for it. i'm sure you will find the culprits. hehe.
  21. no worries. i did, among other things for that company, phone support for their cinema ticketing and concession soft and hardware, they had the crap running on windoze boxes, 95 percent of the tickets i just had em restart and that was it. best one was this older lady working at the register in a cinema 400 miles away and i had her shut down. i told her to hit the power button to start again, she says nothing happened. so i go oh fuck, now what. well, she didn;t know the first thing about comps. so i asked where exactly did she push the button. here on the box that says s97. hm, ah, thats the model of their monitors. she just turned off her screen along with the box. ok, there should be a square box about the size of 2 shoeboxes somewhere under your desk. no, there isnt. mrrrm, ok, go to the back of the box where you just pressed the button. ok.. there is 2 cables there. ok, follow one of them. it goes to the power outlet. good, follow the other, thicker one. it goes into this box here. ok, on the front of the box, press the big round button. oh, it's working now. no shit, true story. scouts honor.
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