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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Well I have a tax license that says my store name on it. That's my proof. If you could find a site for me that has wholesale video game stuff that would be awesome. I been searching and searching since I have had my business. That's been over a year. Thanks!
  2. Do any of you know how I would go about doing what Wal-mart does with video games? Like where the company sends you game consoles, and new released games? I been researching and can't find anything of this information. I wish I could though, I would love to get my business going a lot better.
  3. Prices looked cheap. I seen bluetooth headsets for $20 on there and they cost $100 new.
  4. Ok, I own a second hand shop. I was wondering does anyone know if this site is legit? I am trying to buy electronics at wholesale price. If it is not legit, does anyone know any other sites I could check into on getting wholesale electronics for my store? Thanks.
  5. I don't know. Satellite Internet has horrible ping time for online gaming. So I am not even going to bother with it.
  6. I can't get anything other than RoadRunner or satellite Internet.
  7. I live in Erie, PA. I have the 5mb download, and 384kb upload package now. I need to upgrade my upload bad! My download I am happy with.
  8. Ok, I don't know if anyone on here would really know...But I always have trouble getting through contacting TimeWarner, so I thought I would ask on here. Ok right now I have the Basic package. I was wondering, do ALL areas that have RR have the upgrade package to 8mb download and I don't know what the upload is so if anyone could tell me then great! But is it available in all areas? I am looking for a better upload for when playing on XBL GRAW 2 to host rooms better. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the response. I signed up Monday. As soon as I put Borat, The Marine (Blu-Ray), and Let's Go To Prison in Q they sent them out and I received Borat and Let's Go To Prison the NEXT DAY! It was quick as hell. I am on my trial but I think I will end up keeping them.
  10. Thanks guys for the help. I pulled out the American Express and have 2 new 250GB HDD on the way for free for replace.
  11. Anyone who has NetFlix, how are they? I want to get the 3 DVD out at a time plan and rent Blu-Ray movies. Are they good at adding new movies on time? Are they reliable? Thanks.
  12. I need help if you do. when I turn on the ps2 it just goes right to the toxic bios 1.3 sscreen. wont load a game. it is spinning but wont load. i did something before to correc it bu forgot. Anyone know how to fix it? EDIT: Lock this post...I figured it out..controller is broke and sticking
  13. Ok I am filling out a RMA from Western Digital. I clicked Advance RMA. Where they send you replacement FIRST, then you send junk one back. It says this "The total hold amount is the amount that will be held against your credit/debit/ATM card. This amount will be charged to your card if you do not return your defective product within 30 days. " I don't know if I am quite understanding this. Will they charge my card, then erase the payment once I send old one back? Or will they not charge it until I am late sending mine back? Because I don't want to do Advance if they charge right away, only because I have $8.00 on my Bank Card lol. EDIT: It also says this. "We recommend using a credit card instead of a debit card/ATM/check card. If you are using a debit card, the amount above will not be available to you. " What does it mean not be available to me?
  14. Ok I want to make some cool videos of some of the new Xbox 360 games I own. I want to record my friend and I playing in Crackdown. I was looking at this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16812193020 The GameBridge. Is that what I need? Is that for making videos? How does it hook up? Is that all I need? Will it work with Xbox 360? Thanks!
  15. I own a PS3 and 2 Xbox 360's. But I bought my PS3 for 3 reasons. Blu-Ray movies, Socom, and MGS. I would like to say this video is funnier than heck! It disses the PS3 bad lol. Here it is >>> http://www.gametab.com/news/826467/
  16. I been getting in a huge argument with a friend. He says you need to be 21, I say 18...Can someone settle this? Also if you have proof please post this. I am in need of a answer so I can go! lol...
  17. It's a V3 Razr from T-Mobile. I won it with Pepsi and they said they would send one that worked with CellOne. It don't work so I want to unlock. Please help.
  18. Anyone know where I can get it? I found 3 on Isohunt.com and they all are passworded, and I don't know it. Anyone know where else I can get it?
  19. What's a software you can use the with V3 Razr to cut parts of MP3 songs out of and use them on your cell? Anyone? Please! My friend had a software but I can't reach him now.
  20. I built my own computer and all. I don't really know that much. But how can you tell on an older computer if it can be upgraded? As in bigger processor and ram?
  21. That software was showing live webcams of cities...It was actually quite scary...Didn't see my webcam showing up...Any others?
  22. I've seen pictures using the camera bigger...There only like 1 inch by 1 inch on mine. but I have seen them a lot bigger. What software is out there for webcams?
  23. Well taking pics on my PC using Windows makes little pics...Is there a WebCam software that allows you to take videos and high res pics with a webcam? Btw I am using the Xbox 360 webcam. Thanks for the help...
  24. I can't find one for $20 on Tiger Direct. Can you link me to one?
  25. I wasn't. Just simply telling you that I would have known then Sorry you took it the wrong way.
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