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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Ok I currently had a GeForce FX5500 but the fan on it was broke, so about after an hour playtime on Counter Strike: Source, it would start locking up. It was burning hot, that's all I need to say. Well I got upset, took it out and whipped it at the wall lol. I am currently aiming towards http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150147 Here is my question, will the one I just linked work with this MOBO http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=P4M80-M7&cat=MBB One more question, is the GFX card I posted a link to better than my FX5500? Thanks
  2. Ok is there a way to view th IP's of computers that are on my network?
  3. Alright thanks! I guess I will find out Monday. I didn't get my Razr today because the place ran out and he told me come in Monday and he will have one for me. But thanks for all your help guys.
  4. Alright thanks guys. Btw if I get the Razr do you think, I might get better signal strength?
  5. Well I wont waste my money, but I have 1 more question. Does a cellphone have any part of signal? I am using a crappy phone the company gave me until I pick up my Razr Monday. Do you think the Razr will get better signal?
  6. Well my friend had no service in his room and bought one and it gave him 2 bars. We then tried the same phone of someone elses and had no signal. So it must be proven to work somehow.
  7. Well they're $8.00 for 2 of them and free shipping. I'm not losing any money really though, so I might as well try. I drop service in my room and need a bar or 2 extra.
  8. Sorry to bother, but if anyone knows does the cellphone signal boosters work at all? I want to order 2 of these but I am not sure. http://www.skinz.org/phone/cell.html if anyone could fill me in on how they work then great! thanks
  9. Omg me too. Them fucking bastards!
  10. Ok I found out I needed the Razr V3 one. I hope my Cellphone company lets me use it. Do you think they will?
  11. Well the company I am going to be going through only supports the Razr so I have to go with that one. But this is getting crazy! I can't find what the Cellone companies phone # is in Corry , Pa. I am getting mad, because I don't know if they onyl support V3c or just the V3. I call one and they say V3, I call the Pepsi company and they said V3c...
  12. What's the difference between the Rokr, Slvr, and Razr? I won the pepsi contest but don't know which phone to get.
  13. My only real complaint now is how much will taxes be for a $50 cellphone bill...
  14. Do you happen to know anything about Cellphone taxes in PA? I want to get this $50 unlimited plan but I don't know how much taxes would be on that extra a month.
  15. Can I get some Pros and Cons on it? Thanks...
  16. EDITED: I figured it out...Do you have a Luma folder in your theme folder? Mine does and I try and delete it and says it can't delete the shell.dll or something..
  17. Thank you kind person!
  18. How do I get to the Theme folder on XP? I want to delete some, that I downloaded and don't want. Thanks.
  19. You do know the University/School "can" limit the amount of download/upload speed per PC on the network. Our school limits each person to 5mb download..
  20. Interesting. My dad just brought me home a PowerMax one from his friend. Put it in, and working fine so far. I don't think I could live without my PC I built. It's so nice!
  21. Ok cool, thanks! Also what year was ATX PS introduced?
  22. But if it's not ATX it wouldn't fit into the case? Becasue I was going to try some of the PC's in the garage, and I don't want to be putting in something I don't know if it's the right thing.
  23. One more quick ?, how can you tell if a PS is ATX by looks?
  24. Ok I just got off the phone with my dads friend which is huge PC guy and has plenty parts. He says he has a Power Max or something PS he will give to my father tonight or tomorrow. He said it was good, and he payed a decent amount of money for it. Hopefully it's quiet because the one that was in my PC was a freakin' Jet!
  25. Well my Case is ATX so I have to find a ATX one then. My dad is here wanting me to put one in from a old ass PC. He is going to wreck it if he keeps messing with it.
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