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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Someone answer my ? about ATX, what is it? Because I can find a regular PS from a PC in my garage. We got like 15 PC's in there for parts.
  2. Ok well then I guess I have to wait a few months to use this PC again. I don't have that money to buy it.
  3. Ok, now what is ATX?? Because I think I can pull a PS out of another PC I got...
  4. I don't have $75 for a PS. So you think my PC will crap out if I buy the $13.50 one?
  5. Well the one in the second link...Is that a good one? If not can you link me to a cheap name brand one? Thanks
  6. Hello all, the computer I built a few months ago Power Supply fried. I know it was the power supply, I did testing and it works with the other Power Supply which doesn't fit the case. Well the one that was in it was 450 watts, does it matter if I get one in bigger wattage? Sorry I don't know anything about this stuff. Thanks! Quick edit: This is the case I have which the PS fried in http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=BLU-CP702-3&cat=CAS and I want to put this one in it http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=APGM480W&cat=PWR
  7. Works! Thanks...RipWay sucks..It only lets people listen to my song on myspace for like 2 hours, then it does that. But I still wonder why FF wanted me to install the plugin again.
  8. Thanks I am trying it right now.
  9. Hmm, I tried using the Windows Media PLayer one and the media player shows but no song. Btw I am using ripway to host my songs. It was working earlier.
  10. www.myspace.com/markie42006
  11. Oh well I needed the quicktime player to play my song I put in on MySpace well it installed and worked great. I restarted my PC and now it acts like I never installed it? Wtf...Hmm! But still quicktime is installed. I don't know what to do? Anyone know hwo to fix this, to make FireFox know I installed quicktime? Thanks
  12. AOL Instant Messenger...Nah I got Cable Internet! It disconnects AIM if I put it on Hibernation mode, I am just wondering if there is a way to make it so it doesn't disconnect. My friend's doesn't when he has his on Hibernation.
  13. Meh, no one must be up? Well I hope someone answers this by morning! Thanks...
  14. Wait? I put it in Hibernation and started my PC back up and AIM was disconnected. When my friend puts his on Hibernate and starts the PC back up his AIM is still on when he returns. How can I enable it so connection to internet or whatever stays on when on Hibernation?
  15. Sweet never mind. I found out holding shift while on that screen switches it! Thanks though...
  16. Where I click shutdown, and it says Shutdown, Stand By, Restart? Thanks...
  17. I honestly would...If I could! I already tried getting another one after I got mine, and it wouldn't let me. I went to school and asked him why, and he was like because people would sell them. It's like he already knew what I was going to do lol.
  18. He never told us anything about it only lasting for so long. I don't know it is a MSDN thing where we sign in with a Login he made and then we login and get our copy. If it does run out when the class ends I am going to be upset. I will ask him Monday when I go into school.
  19. Well he said the only thing that expires when we leave the class is our account. Nothing will not happen to our product key or anything. Actually it was $11.99 if you want the disc and product key, or you could just get the product key for free and sign out the disc from the teacher which is what I did. So now I have a legal copy. But now when I got it all installed I selected "turn-off automatic updates" because I don't know about that new update everyone is talking about if it just searches your PC for a legal version of Windows, or do they search for anything else like downloaded music and movies? Thanks guys! Much help...
  20. My PC is playing Windows sounds but no music if I click a MP3. Anyone know what may be the problem? Thanks
  21. That Linux Ubuntu slowed my PC down a lot.
  22. Yeah see I don't know. It's kind of to hard to believe then if it can be used more than once on the same PC, since it's free. I know if it's only a one time use one then I better not reformat my HDD again, which I like to do every so often.
  23. Ok, well first off let me start off by saying I am in a networking/computer repair class at school and my teacher setup a thing with MSDN or something to where we (his students) can get cheap software and such. I am look of getting this http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/2315/untitled0fy1.jpg for free, I already got the product key and all I need to do is check out the CD through him. My question is though is since it says XP Pro (single user) does this mean I can only use this key once? Or will I be able to use it again if I reformat my HDD? Please fill me in if possible. Thanks!
  24. I have a whole box of Linux Ubuntu discs I ordered for free so I could pass them out to people. Well I had Linux installed but I don't know how to install programs that's my problem. I don't know how to use sudo! If I knew how to install programs then I would use it, if you have a help thing for that then hook me up. Ok now here is my situation for XP. As of right now my PC in my room is using the product key as the one downstairs, yes I know it's illegal. I am ordering a new XP Pro key and disc for my PC to make it legal. But I still do not want to even have that software on my PC because to me that's invading my privacy! I don't want them knowing what I download, none of their business. Or do they only monitor to see if your Windows is legal?
  25. Question is there a way to remove this software?
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