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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Nope one cable. But you know whats werid I tried using two seperate cables and it still does it! It shouldnt at all
  2. No idea man! I have one HDD hooked to it and a DVD-rw drive hooked to it. now when the HDD is unhooked it loads disks to install windows..but if I hok the hDD back up it wont load windows disk.
  3. Yeah found that out. I deleted the partitions and stuff, but now how can I install windows if wont work with the hdd in? I made sure I hooked everything back up right and now when I try to load a disk with the hdd on it wont work..If I unhook the hdd it loads the disk weird! Btw for some reason I don't think this bootdisk read all 250 gig of my space...looked like it said 40 gig it was reading?!?
  4. Yeah I just downloaded the 98 bootdisk from the site..I was using the XP one..which wouldnt load fdisk
  5. What do you mean what floppy? a floppy disk is a floppy disk..isnt it?
  6. Yeah I went there. I don't know what to get. Plus I don't know how to put them on a floppy. Help please, I think I wrecked my new PC. I don't know why my DVD Rom will not read if the HDD is hooked up to it
  7. Yeah I stated in my first post, that I tried. it says it's not a valid thing or something.
  8. Where can I get it. Everyone I have tried I extract it to the floppy disk but it will not load. Please help I am desperate I messed my PC up bad!
  9. See I messed up my HDD earlier. I have EVERYTHING hooked back up the same but for some reason my DVD Rom drive will not read a disk if the HDD is hooked up...I have to somehow reformat my HDD somehow. Cuz when turn on my PC it says computer was shut down wrong blah blah and says start in safe mode and normal and all that I tried them all and al they do is show windows loading real quick then it hits blue screen then restarts. So I need major help on getting this to work. I screwed up by messing with this crap
  10. Should I have tried FDISK.COM?? Or what?? I can't get it to show up, ugh! Thanks
  11. I made a boot disk from windows, then have it load on my pc and I type in FDISK and nothing works. I tried FDISK.EXE..Any other fdisks I can use? I need to erase my HDD.
  12. How can I check for bad sectors?
  13. How could you tell if a HDD is burnt out?
  14. I did.. I even tried hooking the to seperate IDE...it wont read disks if the hdd is hooked up.
  15. Anyone know why my DVD burner reads discs when no HDD is on the computer..But doesn't read anything when the HDD is on.??
  16. My HDD loads up then gets blue screen of death, so now I have to reformat it. But I can't get my disk drive to read the OS disk to install. Help plz.
  17. Yeah well I am done messing with things. I just messed up my 250Gb HDD BSOD...Nothing loads, tried safe mode and everything.
  18. Power is definatley in..
  19. It's IDE. Well it should work. I unhooked my original HDD and hooked the 10Gb one to it like I had my 250Gb but nothing. Tried moving the Slave, Master, CS..
  20. Right now I am trying to get a 10GB HDD to work on my PC. I have a 250GB and I was trying to use them both but now I am just trying to get this 10GB to work alone. For some reason it will just not work! I tried all the options...Slave, Master, CS and I still get nothing. I am trying to install Media Center on it but it gets through setup for the installing then says can't find the HDD. So am I doing something wrong or what? Or is the HDD to old or something? EDIT: I even planned on ordering a 320Gb HDD tomorrow but if I can't even get this other one working then I kinda have no hope for when I get a new one.
  21. Ok well I now have a seperate HDD that is 8Gb that my dads friend was kind enough to send home with him for me. If I am hooking this HDD to a seperate IDE will it need to be set to a Master or Slave? Thanks again!
  22. Well I guess I don't have another HDD so here is my quick question. If I install Vista on a seperate partition and then end up deleting it will I be able to delete the partition and have it combine back with the regular one? Or will I have to reformat the whole thing for it to become one again? Thanks...
  23. I got the Toshiba PCX5000, then it didn't work well because opening ports was wow just wow. Now I am on a Motorola modem with a Linksys router which is running good too.
  24. You have to be a MSDN member or yes you can pirate it (wouldn't recommend).
  25. 2:45 and I am out of here to go install Vista. Can't wait, ugh the school day has been so long!
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