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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. That's pretty sweet. I think I might install Linux Ubuntu though. Hopefully will be better than Windows!
  2. I use CCleaner already. But does it get rid of non used registry files?
  3. Hmm this makes me want to install Ubuntu, but I am not sure because I do not want to lose my Windows XP Pro and/or all my files downloaded. If there is anyway I can do this without doing so please link me or something on how to do this. Thanks!!!!
  4. Wow really old thread...
  5. I came upon TestMy by typing in RoadRunner Forums on Google. I joined the site right before I got RR because I had a few questions to ask.
  6. Quick question? Is there anywhere I can get free Windows XP Themes at? Where ever I go they cost and I do not have a credit card to be using online. Plus I am sick of using the Olive, Silver, and Default Blue.
  7. Actually I would recommend not using Zone Alarm. When I had it installed it took a long time for my PC to load on startup, then after I uninstalled it all was good and it ran smooth. Right now I am using AVG Free, which seems to be working really well for me and I have yet to encounter any problems except removing a virus but I got it all tooken care of.
  8. I was wondering what are some really good PC clean up softwares? I want something that cleans up old files and maybe registry things you do not use. If there any good ones that anyone would recommend that would be great. I really need one so that I can keep my PC in top performance and running smooth. Thanks again!
  9. I have been using Trillian ever since I built my new computer. It seems to run pretty good. The only I miss is the actuall feel of AIM. I might just switch back just because of this. I wish there were better themes then what they have right now. There are some good ones, but they are older and Trillian doesn't allow newer features with older themese I guess.
  10. OMG finally got it! Don't know how, but just started messing with ish... EDIT: All I got is the audio and stuff to mess with. I will do that another night.
  11. I think I figured out my problem...I just don't know how to set up the jumpers. It says in order for the front 2 usb 2.0 to work you have to set the jumpers so its not on 1 and 2 but on 2 and 3...I dont see where these jumpers are!?!? then says in order to support this function power on system via keyboard and mouse "jusbv1/jusbv2" jumper cap should be placed on 2-3..i donno how to do this..this manual blows..
  12. Anyone else find out anything? This really stinks...
  13. I just opened my side up and unplugged the USb things and re did them. They are in correct and still won't work
  14. Fallow even when I am in device manager it doesn't show there are any problems. But I will post it anyway. http://img451.imageshack.us/img451/6986/dm7yr.jpg I hope you people can help
  15. Ok I just tried...Nothing...They worked, then I seen they work so I hit the power button and shut off my pc
  16. my thumb drive loads on any pc without drivers.
  17. Anyone please? I took my time hooking these up and this is what I get I really need these to work.
  18. Hello all I just finally hooked up the front USB ports on my new PC I built. My devices read on my other PC they just won't on here. I mean they read them but yeah it won't detect what it is. This is the error I get when plugging in a USB device. http://img389.imageshack.us/img389/9130/usb1md.jpg
  19. Ok The HUB is up and running. If anyone would like to join please AIM me for the address to login on.
  20. Well I really am not into the PC gaming except Deer Hunter and The Sims 2. So I think I will go with the 250Gb HDD. But I have no idea if this SATA one http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=6Y250M0-R&cat=HDD will work with my mobo http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=P4M80-M7 and if it does do you people think I can trust a refurb HDD or not? If it's not trustable then I think I will pay $95 and get the IDE 250Gb HDD.
  21. The HUB is being upgraded. So we are currently having some down time.
  22. It's a DC++ file sharing HUB.
  23. Hello all my friend and I have a HUB going on and are trying to get more people to join. If you are interested let me know on here with a quick post, and I will PM you the address to get to it. Thanks!
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