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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Will do. Probably wont be until Saturday.
  2. I am going to name my kid Testmy.
  3. Is there any place I can get these? Not icons for recycling bin or anything, just like for your login name and when you open the start menu. I already Googled and found nothing, so sorry for the bother.
  4. Newegg is a good site but I didn't see a 1GB Jump Drive on there as cheap as that one.
  5. Yeah I downloaded the Vista Theme from ISOHUNT but it had a trojan with the install so I deleted it. But it was only the install, so I installed it then deleted it. If anyone finds a good copy with the circle bar for the new Vista let me know, and make sure it comes with the Vista recycling bins and icons (they're bad @$$)
  6. Thanks at least I know someone now who ordered from there.
  7. Alright thanks. Hopefully will be ordering by Saturday.
  8. I was looking online and found this one for $35 and free shipping. It's 1Gb also, does this site look legit? http://www.supermediastore.com/adata-pd2-my-flash-1gb-usb-20-usb-flash-drive.html
  9. Ok thanks. I really didn't know what to type in on Google.
  10. Is there a site that puts things in Alphabetical order for you? I suck at doing this, it takes me forever. I have a list of websites for my sources on a project and they need to be in Alphabetical order, so if there is a site please link. Thanks
  11. Yeah except it doesn't have the most recent start menu button. I like the circle one better. So I think I am uninstalling.
  12. *Dookies pants*
  13. Yeah they do have people monitor our computer usage. There is a guy who sits on his @$$ and checks for "illegal" activities lol.
  14. Did I say it was a gig? I just said I want to know if it is a decent size one before I go buying another one, my 128mb is getting crapped out. Pshh MS even give out 512 sounds like a lot to me lol. I say they will give us a 128mb if even that, probably made 64mb ones just for us yay!
  15. The size of it?
  16. So yeah did anyone find out how big this jump drive is? Kind of wondering if it is a cheap small one, because if it is I am going to be buying a 1Gb one for $60.
  17. Well is there a way I can change it?
  18. How can you find your PS2 IP address? I am trying to open ports for Madden 2006..
  19. It was never the jumper. It was in the BIOS lol. I thought LS something was my Burner drive so I kept setting that to boot first. Then after hours I seen CD-Rom it worked. Idiot things I tell you, could have been because it was early yesterday and I was tired lol.
  20. This little kid always gives me crap, don't worry about it. The MODS will take care of him.
  21. Can you install Styles XP on Media Center and get it to work? I heard it only works on some windows.
  22. Do you think I should put it back so it is on one then? To save space at least anyways? I think I might after Windows is done installing!
  23. Well at least now I have my HDD and DVD Burner running from seperate IDE Cables. Since I did this do you think my HDD will perform better?
  24. Are you $h1tting me?!?! I thought it was my DVD Burner...WOW I am sooo dumb! But you guys did help me format my HDD back at the begining of my post lol! Thanks...
  25. But why wouldn't the LS one work which is actually supposed to be my DVD Burner? Anyways it works now...
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