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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Btw I am 18, just to get things cleared. But her nipples are fine my dad said, the other 4 seem to be getting milk. The one that seems to be dying is doing a little better, not to much though. My dad said she is constipated, she keeps crapping. Hoepfully that will help her, plus we keep giving her some evaporated milk with a drop of Karo which I read. Hopefully all goes well. Thanks for the info.
  2. Vet is closed near us. I looked on the Internet and all I could find is feed them evaporated milk with a drop of Karo syrup. We are doing so now. It started to suck on it for like 5 sec. hopefully the girl pup does alright.
  3. Hi all. We have a Golden Retriever which had 6 puppies last Wednesday. One died a couple days after. We have 5 now, but one is on the edge of dying. She barely will move, and won't eat. I have a couple questions, how long does it usually take a pup to eat? I want to know to see if they are getting enough milk from their mother. Btw is there anything we can do to make the one feel better? They all seem to be getting very weak, soon to die it seems like. Please help, anyone. Thanks
  4. Anyone know how to setup AIM on the Razr? It wants Username (I entered) Password (I entered) IM Server (I typed in just AIM) <<< Is this right? I don't know what to put in IM Port, or Post URL. Please help.
  5. And I have an ATI card.
  6. Actually, I lied. I can get a picture of my desktop up there, but it won't show anything else. No start bat or mouse.
  7. After some fooling around, I realized I ahd to open up my second monitor display. Thank you, Anyway.
  8. Do you know specifically what setting? Thanks!
  9. I recently got an S-Video cable for my laptop, and I was wondering if it was possible to put the image from my screen onto the TV. If so, please inform.
  10. I finally figured it out. I had to restart my laptop in safe mode, there were a few background programs that were preventing the file it needed to read from being read.
  11. I have been recently having a problem with my new lap top, I have been looking for some help. CDs play fine, DVDs too. Counter Strike Source installed, but for the past three games (DOOM 3, QUAKE 4, and NFS: Most Wanted. All brand new.) the installation will crap out on the second disk. The disk drive just shuts down and I was hoping if anybody knew what the problem was. Thanks.
  12. I know I know I am sorry. I went to that same page like 4 times and was like wtf there are not any drivers. Then I realized in small lettering it says choose your OS. Then it directed me to the drivers. Thanks.
  13. O Snap I didn't click the OS. I was there though, so I was trying but I didn't see what I needed. I found them. Thanks.
  14. Yeah I was there. Click drivers now, nothing shows up. Absolutley no drivers! So I did try...
  15. Yeah well I used Adia 32 or something and it says it's a Intel MOBO that's all. Damn if I could only find drivers for this PC compaq presario s5300nx if you could sweet. I googled and didn't find any.
  16. How do I know what the MOBO is? They are both on board...
  17. How can I tell which Sound Card or Video Card a person has in their PC? I am trying to fix my cousin computer but I have no clue to how to do this since I know nothing about it. Any quick way to do this?
  18. Any good sites to buy wholesale priced things? My dad owns a store and we are trying to do basically what any business does...Make $$! So if anyone has a certain site they use, or can recommend please do! Thanks
  19. Zenith IQC50H94W is what I have. There is a thing called Digital Setup and it shows this http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/7057/p61500229ud.jpg The blue + doesn't seemt o be aligned in the middle. But you can auto set it it says. But I need the remote which I left at my dads store. But do you think that'll fix the blue?
  20. Does anyone know what would be the problem if like blue spots are showing near bright lighting areas only. Also how can you fix it so the white doesn't look as much as yellow? If anyone could help me then please do.
  21. So no one knows if you're able to put mp3 music clips from your PC to your Razr? Sorry but I am just plain damn cheap, I will be honest!
  22. Ok I got my razr phone today, and I have the data cable. But does anyone know if I can transfer like an mp3 clip from my PC to the phone to use as a ringtone or what? Btw if someone could help me find a driver for the data transfer cable that would be awesome. When I googled it, they all were messed up.
  23. Btw the one you posted someone said it wouldn't play Halo: Combat Evolved. Is he not doing something right? Because I am going to need this to play Counter Strike: Source, and Halo.
  24. Yeah the fan on it never worked, my so called friend screwed me and sold it to me junk. But ok I will buy the same one! Thanks...
  25. Ok. Then what about this card? Is it an improvement or worse? Btw will it work with the MOBO. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814140023
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