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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Ok right now I have this HDD http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=WD2500JB-N and I plan on getting another 250 Gig HDD for the same price or cheaper. Either I might get another one of those that I bought or I might get a SATA. But my question is how fast is SATA really? Are the speeds actually that much better?
  2. Alright thanks. Right now my Windows and Buttons settings is set to Windows Classic Style but I don't have my start menu set to classic, when I did it looked pretty strange to me.
  3. I heard if you stick with the Windows calssic theme on XP it will run smoother, any truth to this? Or would it not matter to put the regular XP one up? Thanks
  4. Dude this is a freakin' forum! Forums are to come and ask questions if you need them. Honestly what is your age? You act 12...
  5. Just tried the delete key. Thanks, I always thought it had to be a F key. Sorry for the bother. Thanks
  6. I tried every F key and my PC just won't seem to enter in its BIOS. I checked the mobo manual and that doesn't say jack. Help please.
  7. Do you have to answer those things right or something? How many ways are there to obtain a full Microsoft
  8. The Zip file? Don't even unzip it?kj
  9. Come on I know there are some Trillian fans on here.
  10. I downloaded a couple and then extract them to my desktop with winrar and I can't figure out how to get it to be a theme. very confusing, unless I am just missing something.
  11. No dude I didn't really have any major issues at all. I just get frustrated a lot. Still do make a PC. Whatever you do don't buy a PC already built again unless you know that is what you want. That's the best part about building your own PC, you know what you put in it and you make sure it is the right hardware for you.
  12. Yeah this is super confusing. I really don't care about audio, I all really want for my front is the USB ports to work. There are so many wires and the MOBO manual is confusing. I need my front USB for my thumb drive.
  13. Ok thanks. Now to finish to my last thing. Figuring aout how to plug the dang font audio wires in and usb ugh lol.
  14. I am using a the IDE that came with my mobo. I just got done transfering files from a wireless connect and it took 90 minutes to do 3 Gig. Is there a way I can test my transfer speed? EDIT: What do you think how long it would take to transfer 8 Gig over? Because I set my laptop to a wired connect now and it took 18 min to transfer 8 Gig. Sound right?
  15. Would it be the same if my HDD is CS? My DVD Burner is on the same IDE but I don't know what it is on, doesn't show master or slave near the pin. But would my HDD go faster if I switch it to master? Thanks!
  16. Yeah I am on my new computer right now. I just skipped the BIOS. Do I even really need to do it? I love my new computer.
  17. Ok all went well. I have no clue on how to do the bios so I skipped it for now. I am installing XP pro now, but formatting is going SLOOWWWW. Could it be because I have both dvd burner and hdd set to CS no one Master and oneCS?
  18. Anyone please? I am trying to be patient. All I need is to get the motherboard in and connect. I got almost everything else done.
  19. Ok here is what I am talking about. http://img489.imageshack.us/img489/940/s30100020hv.jpg where do these go? If we put them under the motherboard there is only like one spot for a screw. If we use these do I need the screw at all?
  20. no there are plastic things like a half inch long...5 of them...
  21. ANYONE?!!? I been sitting here needing help!?!?
  22. Anyone?!!? Come on...
  23. I'm installing the motherboard now. I have 5 plastic peices...do i put them under the board? if i use the plastic peices there is only one screw hole left...i donno what to do..is one screw good enough for ground? im confused..
  24. One more quick question. Will I be able to network my XP system to my Linux so I can transfer my files?
  25. Does anyone here actually use Ubuntu? I want to know what you people think of it? I am either installing XP Pro or Ubuntu.
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