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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. No one can help?
  2. Which do I pick for the CCS cable fast 2k, cable fast 9x, cable normal 2k, cable normal 9x??? My connection is to left so you know...
  3. Can someone direct me to a link on how to tweak my connection? The easy way where you apply the files? Thanks
  4. Well I don't know what to do then. Right now I have my PC downstairs which has the routher and cable modem. Upstairs I have my Xbox 360 whihc has a 300ft cat5e running to it and my laptop is wireless. I am building my own PC and will have it in my room along with the Xbox 360. I am trying to figure out how to get it so I dont need to spend anymore money. Yeah my dad is yelling at me all about this.
  5. Ok wow...Then I don't know what I am supposed to do!
  6. Ok if I have a cable spliter to split my TV and Cable modem out will it slow down my connection?
  7. Quick question for anyone who is up. Will this chip set http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=BX80547RE2800CN-DT work with this mother board http://www.geeks.com/details.asp?invtid=P4M80-M7 I order them because I am building a computer.
  8. Ok well I went to the AVG site and for some reason everytime I go there I can not find the free legal version of AVG. Can someone please find me a link for this? Sorry for bothering you all!
  9. Why would a laptop restart if you turn the volume up all the way? I have done several tests to even make sure it was this and it is. I turn the volume up all the way and it just restarts out of no where. Really weird, anyone know? Btw I got a Dell Latitude laptop. EDIT: Of course this is when listening to music.
  10. Get on AIM..
  11. Do you have Napster?
  12. ^^Topic! I was thinking about getting it.
  13. Just rebooted a PC to new and the sound doesn't work. Try installing the driver from disc but it doesn't recognize anything I dont think.
  14. I want to use it for downloading music and software.
  15. Nope I don't PC game. I play my Xbox 360 for gaming
  16. Ok I will upgrade to optical then. I need to go wireless with this computer. So will this work Dell Wireless; 1450 WLAN (802.11a/b/g) USB 2.0 DT Adapter? I can get it as a $50 add-on. Hopefully it gets good signal with my LinkSys Router. EDIT: I don't know how many USB ports are on this computer. Where will I plug the Wireless thing into?
  17. Thanks I will use free Anti Virus Software. I don't know if I should do the $10 upgrade to a optical mouse though? I have one on my other PC but I am not sure if it is that big of a deal.
  18. What's a optical mouse? It's not included. Oh and what should I do for Word. It doesn't have it, plus it doesn't have no Virus or Spyware protection. Is there a way to get those free? I don't think I can go over that $579 now since I already told them it was that price.
  19. Ok thanks. Well now I got to add the Dell wireless adaptor price because this will be running wireless internet.
  20. Ok sweet! It says $579, does that mean after rebates and crap or is that as soon as it is ordered off the site?
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