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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Them are Trial versions though. It'll only last so long, right?
  2. Can you link me to the free version of Kaspersky please? I went on there site but do not know where to go. Thanks for the help guys.
  3. Ok now what is honestly more protective Kaspersky or AVG?
  4. Yeah I got their Beta Spyware Software. Do they have a Beta for the Anti-Virus yet?
  5. Thanks. I will use this. But do you know if MS has a Free Anti-Virus software?
  6. What is a free Anti-Virus Software? FREE I want lol. Btw I just want it to be Anti-Virus Software not one with Firewall and Spyware protection crap just a Anti-Virus Live protection and scans. Link please.
  7. Yeah I am using the latest one. I guess it didn't work, I don't see no increase in speed. It still just says good where it should say excellent since I am not that far away from router.
  8. I did it and where I click ping it says Invalid IP Address or Domain Name...I don't know if it worked or not!
  9. I guess I will give it a try...
  10. I wonder if this is to hard to where I will mess my router up.
  11. Nevermind that one then. I just need a FirmWare upgrade so it doesn't void anything. I can't risk doing that.
  12. But if I do this it wreck my warranty don't it?
  13. Yeah I loaded that one. My router went crazy. Lights started flashing and crap. It said it completed then all a sudden it stopped.
  14. I been trying a bunch of them and either they don't work or I don't know how to adjust the wireless speed.
  15. I got it set to a Primary Connection. But now barely any files come up when searching and like 2 chat rooms load when I search for them. What gives?
  16. Could you find me one that is V4 compatiable?
  17. I'm sure if it was the wrong one it wouldn't work at all.
  18. Nevermind these custom FirmWare are causing my connection to drop or something. A thing just popped at the bottom saying you hame limited or no connectivity. So I just went back to original FirmWare that belongs with my Router.
  19. Oh and yes I do mean increase transmit power. Can you download the same one I did yourself and help me out?
  20. I picked the 2nd to the last
  21. I got it working. I just can't find where to increase my wireless speed.
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