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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Which on this list do I click to download? http://www.wrt54g.net/firmware/DD-WRT/
  2. What version router you got though. I got V4 and its not on the list for compatible for that FirmWare.
  3. Ok it just now went dead. So does this mean I have a bad battery?
  4. Oh also if I plug in my power cord and take the battery out it has a power tester on it and it says dead on that to. Wow this is weird. Everything I check it says it is dead, but it's working still? Hmm I will have to update you in a few hours. I will leave it on while I sleep and see if it is on still when I wake up.
  5. Alright lol! Still running on 0%! I am pretty sure it is supposed to stay at like 0% for like 2 minutes so you have enough time to plug the power cord in. Well I am on like 16 minutes. The low battery thing is flashing and everything underneath the screen and the right hand corner says my battery is dead. So I don't know lol. Thanks you been lots of help.
  6. I know I am probably the most annoying person on this board lol but this place brings joy to me, mostly because everyone shows respect. But here is my question. I thought my battery was junk the whole time in my laptop. But I just finally found out I was wrong. A display came up saying my battery is low, well my battery down in the bottom has been at 0% for about 10 minutes. Btw I have a Dell Latitude C810. Is there a drive I am suppose to download to get this to work right or something? Thanks so much! Happy holidays to all...
  7. What's the best security to use WPA personal, WPA enterprise, WPA2 Enterprise, WPA2 Personal, RADIUS, or WEP? What do all these mean and which one do you recommend?
  8. I prefer a FirmWare update instead of spending money
  9. Yeah the card in my laptop is LinkSys.
  10. For anyone whom has the V4 LinkSys router like I do, which one did you use? I really need to get a boost on my laptop.
  11. Anyone?
  12. It's not too bad. Right now I am in my room on my laptop, which is about 15 steps up and my connection says good. But it tends to say low a lot too. That's why I want to figure out how to boost my wireless performance. Any idea how?
  13. I don't know if any of the others have the speed booster performance thing for wireless though. That's what I need for my laptop DEFINATLEY!
  14. You know what's crappy? I can't use it ...It doesn't V4 as being compatible.
  15. So wait...With this one http://hyperwrt.org/ I can adjust it so I get better connection wireless on my laptop???
  16. Thanks I did anyway just incase.
  17. Well when you said this "Dont get a v5 if u want to" it didn't make sense. I didn't know what you were talking about. I just upgraded to 4.20.7 the latest one. Should I power cycle my modem and router now?
  18. What are you talking about?
  19. Thank you so much.
  20. It says V4...so version 4? Thanks
  21. Anyone please help. I need a reply quick, please.
  22. How do I know which version I own? I am trying to get a Firmware update but can't find which version router I got. Please help
  23. Ha ha what did you all get from everybody?
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