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Everything posted by wyantm06

  1. Wow just teaching me that got me learning new things. I learned you can share your music and all from one computer to all other in the house. THANKS
  2. Yeah everything is hooked up. Thanks for helping, but how do I share it? Sorry for being such a idiot.
  3. If I have a Laptop that is wireless and my PC downstairs has the main modem and router, isn't there a way to set it up so I can print from my laptop and have it print out on the printer downstairs? Like a network somehow?
  4. Ok nevermind I fixed it. All I had to do was reset web settings and exit IE and open it back up. All works good, thank you all!
  5. Hmm I did what you said and it still doesn't work...
  6. I don't know how that was supposed to work, but I tried and...Nothing, anything else? It really bugs me. I love using IE and I don't feel like updating to like FF or something.
  7. It won't display pictures anymore. All I get is little peice of paper type deal.
  8. Well WDClear rewrites your HDD to all 0's. I am doing this because I am trying to install XP Pro over XP Home but I get errors like you cannot add a older version of XP over this one or something, and another one is one of the files is corrupt. I really want to install this XP Pro but am having problems on doing so.
  9. Anyone? I have been trying to use this for days. Thanks
  10. How do I use this? I burnt it onto a CD-R and also tried a Floppy Disc and they will not load when I restart my laptop. All it says is please remove anymedia then press any button to restart. How do I get this to reboot from the disc? Thanks
  11. Well I know many people who buy both company sport games. Like I know people who used to buy 2K and EA football games. Now I am trying to find someone who has both basketball games for the Xbox 360. I need to know which has better graphics and better gameplay. Well if anyone can help, much would be appreciated.
  12. For any Xbox 360 users which has better graphics NBA Live or NBA 2K6? Please only 360 owners answer! So which has better graphics? I am already getting NBA 2K6 for Christmas, and I just want to make sure I am not making a mistake. Thanks-
  13. Thanks anyways I fixed it. It seems like I was trying to use to old of a version, so I went to 5.9XX instead of Triton. Oh I can agree Yahoo is better but the only problem I would have with that is trying to get all my friends to convert. Oh and for Trillian, blah I hate that program.
  14. I uninstalled it. I don't know what to do now. This is making me mad. AIM Triton blows man. All I want is my old aim back and Middle Man.
  15. Why do I keep getting that error though that I posted?
  16. Crap Cleaner doesn't clean spyware I don't think. I have it..
  17. Still doesn't work...I keep getting this error...
  18. Will that work?? Is ZoneAlarm Spyware scan good enough??
  19. I downloaded AIM Triton and it absolutley sucks. It is slow and lags bad. I tried reinstalling a older version of AIM but get errors saying need AIM WebDriver and crap. What's the deal? Can you not use older AIM anymore? Thanks
  20. No...My WinMX works fine I just want to switch it to a Primary Connection so I can host my own chat room.
  21. Ok I am trying to make it so I have a Primary Connection on WinMX, because right now I am set to Secondary Connection. Well I have the LinkSys Wireless-G Router and am wondering how do I open ports and what ports do I open for WinMX? Any help would be AWESOME! Thank you...
  22. Yeah screw this. I am sticking with my LimeWire PRO which I download at 400kb/ps
  23. Does anyone know if BearShare is safe at all compared to LimeWire?
  24. I remember when I first started on these forums it was 384kb u/l...Did it upgrade does anyone know?
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