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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Im thinkin that it is a upgrade for the mindspring customers only
  2. It says it in his profile. Brandon, Fl, Which is right near Tampa, where i live but we have brighthouse over here
  3. Nice speedz
  4. ME: Yeah Im having a problem w/my dsl. I cant seem to do anything internet related Support Guy: Is ur modem hooked up ME: Uhh....Yeah Support Guy: Is the modem Turned on Me: Do u think I am an idiot? of course it is turned on Support Guy: Sir, as a "trained professional" i am authorized to ask u these questions so we can help diagnose your problem.......So wat was the problem again? Me: hang up
  5. :haha: but i think there was a thread like this started before. Maybe some of the mods will merge the two threads
  6. I bought a cheap 200 dollar prebuilt compaq a few years ago and have been upgrading it since. I got 200 dollars off the purchase b/C i signed up 4 msn
  7. forget legal i cant afford to pay for my music
  8. Link is not working
  9. IMO the 15/2 package is the best deal out of all of them
  10. try to download it through limewire or any other peer to peer source
  11. Nice this forum is really getting popular
  12. amc11890

    Well, im assuming u dint pay for these games right? U will nd this to mount the images http://www.5star-shareware.com/Windows/Utilities/Video-Editors-Utilities/daemon_tools.html
  13. O plz, all of you have prob used filesharing programs at one time and got a little curious and dled something that was not yours
  14. The new vista os coming out is gonna force prebuilt computers to have atleast a gb of ram. good for ppl that only buy pre built computers
  15. man sux for u guys
  16. :haha: congrats neway
  17. Wat ever u do, do not rush the process, take your time
  18. Upgrade the ram to a gig and get a much better vid card than that and u will have a nice system
  19. amc11890


    Okay.......this guy needs some help :haha:
  20. the only plus for using a lcd is to save space. Unless u want to save space then there is no point for getting one
  21. Its not that easy, dont be too confident.
  22. when i had aol, it really was not much of a prob to uninstall or cancel the service but we still get letters in the mail offering us 10 months of free aol if we come back
  23. I would say no less than a gig of ram and no less than 200 gig of spaces, even that is pushing it, if ur gonna be recording alot of tv shows and videos than u could prob go for more hard drive space than that. Also i recommend miniumum of 2.5 GHz intel processor or u can go amd, which imo are better for gaming, in that case i would recommend a minimum of a amd athlon 64 3000. Also the ati all in wonder would be the logical video card because it offers media center capabilities and also a decscent gaming experince
  24. Dont worry about frying your parts, personally when i am installing computer parts the main thing i am worrying about is if i can install the parts correctly not if i will fry them, i have installed parts on a carpet floor before( i dont recommend u do this) and did not ruin a thing. Some ppl are much to cautious.
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