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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Geez i dont even own a dual core processor yet
  2. the aol speeds are not ginuine, AOL uses a proxy that caches all the data to make it seem faster. The second one is real.
  3. WOW anox those pings are awesome
  4. Im using a westell gateway router and modem in one. I have the same one as you. But this thing is truly a peice of crap. Every few hours or so i loose my wirless connection and then i have to reset the peice of junk. The reason i have not gotten a new router is because i am broke and i guess i can deal with having to reset my router ever so often. I highly recommend getting a new router, get a d-link i have heard some good reviews for those.
  5. Only ppl living in the tampa bay area are able to get speeds that high from rr
  6. My guess is that Everest is reading it incorrectly. Everest read the several things incorrectly when i tried it, but all in all everest is a good program
  7. wow 400 dollars for headphones, how nice was the cd player?
  8. Happy Birthday /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  9. Lesse right know in Tampa it is about a comfortable 60 Stay warm
  10. theres really nothin u can do, itunes forces u to buy music downloads from then and only them.
  11. Its the same thing as listening to the radio
  12. lol :haha: this thread is going downhill i prefer baggy jeans, only girls should be wearing tight pants
  13. Yeah Happy Late Birthday to you, /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> Dont worry nobody remebered mine either
  14. here is my phone, LG pm-225, i would give it a 8 out of 10 because the camera is horrible but it has a really nice speakerphone feature and a really nice external screen and the clarity of the phone is really good.
  15. that is a pretty good deal for that 1 gig mem stick, i payed 40 bux for my 256 mem stick for my psp
  16. man that really makes me mad.
  17. Happy Birthday!!!! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />
  18. Im just glad there are google ads rather than porn ads
  19. If u havent already read this http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  20. good it seems to be working better now
  21. yeah i have been getting some weird results to on that surver, also i have been getting some server busy errors very often now
  22. dont even attempt to uncap a model because if u somehow succeed ur isp will find out fast and catch you and throw u in jail. My advice...dont try
  23. thx for fixing the font size, much easier to see now
  24. nice layout, i noticed for a couple of days that the font was smaller lol i thot my sight was getting worse
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