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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. Geez how many connection do u need?
  2. I can see :haha:
  3. Look at Geeksquads rates http://geeksquad.com/servicesandpricing/onsiteservices.php wat a waste of $
  4. Im dont think this is possible
  5. man i want
  6. Long live AGP. This is great new for ppl with agp mobos and dont want to upgrade to PCI-e, like myself. Great News BTW wat is the price, or am i missing something?
  7. Yeah optimum is cable.. Cant wait till the Superbowl
  8. dont worry that article was just for humor purposes
  9. Unfourtanelty that is how they make there $. My dad bought a computer at BB and one of the Geek Squad people there said that Adaware causes more problems than help and he recommended us pay like 150 for the geeksquad to install Norton on our computer
  10. Before I knew how to upgrade computers and fix them on my own: a few years ago, i usually took all my computers to get fixed at Compusa. When going to compusa about a year ago, i recieved a tip from of the customers there. I was going there to get my hardrive fixed and one of the customers asked me if my computer was custom built and i told him it was store bought and he recommended i build my next computer because of the price difference. After hearing this from one of the customers who was only about 16, i decided to start upgrading my own computer, and i have never went back to a retail store to get my computer fixed or upgraded. BTW: Compusa IMO has very good techs and I recommend anyone who does not have the time or does not want to fix/upgrade there computer to go there.
  11. Im not much of a celeron fan either... not very good for gaming. I would prob go amd if i was gonna go gaming but with ur price limit then the celeron will get the job done
  12. Both of which connections are shared(cable and dsl) however cable is shared with ur neighbors and dsl is shared at the telco. U may notice a more drastic speed decrease with cable during peak hours because of the fact that u r sharing the connection with ur neighbors. Dont even consider sattelite unless it is ur only option other than Dial Up(in some ways Dial up is better than SAT). I have never had SAT but I heard so many horror stories about SAT.
  13. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0 follow all steps then repost the info
  14. verizon over caps there speed for the modem because of overhead, the speeds expected are 1.5/384 after overhead. i would not complain ur getting ur advertised speeds. BE HAPPY
  15. visual improvement from ie 7 beta 1 it us using bout 25k memory
  16. this should be helpfulhttp://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0
  17. NVM wrong forum
  18. 64 bit, without a doubt will soon takeover 32 bit but i personally cant see it happening for a few more years.32 bit is still very common and will still be around for awhile, only some apps are compatible with 64 bit processing, a 64 bit machine can adress 64 bits of mem and 32 bits can only register 32 bit(obviously) so there for 64 bits consume considerably better.
  19. sounds like they are trying to compete with fios
  20. CRT'S also have better responce time but are not as compact as lcd's
  21. According to Jim and Rodney are also pretty good shows
  22. Nobody likes sitcoms?
  23. List your favorite sitcom and why I have alot of favorite sitcoms including: Yes Dear, Everybody Loves Raymond, King of Queens, Seinfield, Still Standing is okay, but my most favorite is King of Queens because of the wide variety of charcters: you have Doug who is a overweght truck driver and then u have Carey who is imo a attractive securitary working at a law firm and then u have the self centered, loud and annoying father-in- law living in the basement. Doug is lazy and Carey is just mean.
  24. man that gotta suck
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