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Everything posted by amc11890

  1. yeah it is working good for me Great program
  2. I bought a pre built one and upgraded it Before upgrades: AMD Athlon xp 1800 128mb ram 40 gb hard drive 32mb s3 prosavage 200 watt ps 40 x cd burner Generic Ac 97 sound card After upgrades: AMD athlon xp 1800 384 mb of ram 120 gb hard drive 6600gt 500 watt ps 16x dl lightscribe dvd burner soundblaster live 24 bit
  3. wat i mean i cant post here because my speeds are not 4500 or faster
  4. so u dropped ur dial Up or kept it for backup
  5. I would format and perform a fresh install
  6. Hey x_6985381 how fast is ur intel processor?
  7. u never no
  8. a new mobo will allow him to oc his processor
  9. yeah he needs a new mobo because his system is not custom built
  10. Yeah there are tons of tweaks go here http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9452.msg92192#msg92192 i used alot of these tweaks and my amd 1800 is runnin pretty well
  11. Yeah that is wat i was asking u
  12. Hey x_6985381 was this AMD custom built?
  13. OC that thing then...u got a new heatsink and AMD run pretty cool aswell
  14. whoa there is something wrong there.. my amd athlon xp 1800 boots up in 45 seconds with only 384 ram http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9452.msg92192#msg92192 here is a bunch of tweaks by Rom-Dos go to services and u will find some tweaks for startup Also try http://www.startupmechanic.com/ to delete unwanted programs that run on startup
  15. o i could have sworn u had comcast...
  16. wat package do u have for comcast?
  17. yeah Buy a x2 4800 money bags no seriously if u have to buy a new processor i would go AMD....good for gaming AMD's have shorter pipelines, which is why there clock speeds dont have to be as high as the intels
  18. Its a AMD Athlon xp 2000 rite? Hey man AMD are awesome gaming machines...u try ocing that? I suprised my friend a few days ago when i told him my 3dmark 06 score, i got a 562(i no this is low) and my friend got a 650, His specs P4 3.00GHz 1 GB pc 3200 ram 6600gt My specs AMD athlon xp 1800(underclocked to 1152MHz) 384 mb of pc 2100 ram 6600gt aswell The scores are not that much different and he spent way more than me on his system My point being is that AMD could be a pretty good gaming system
  19. I dont even have four
  20. np
  21. newegg.com
  22. interfearence, distance
  23. Well if it is gonna be a wireless router then i would secure it first...you dont want ne hackers right
  24. Those speeds area about as good as they will get. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1389 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 170 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Wed Jan 25 2006 20:57:08 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB download in 6.02 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 29.53 % of your hosts average (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SCBYFNAXL here is mine with cablenut I would not try cablenut if u were you
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