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Everything posted by gwhall007
Yeah, you can do it, but it's not legal. Not legal with the retail version either, though. Rule is that each machine should have its own key. Unless, of course, you purchase a Volume License Key, like large businesses do.
Limewire Changes "My Music" Default Icon Image
gwhall007 replied to wyantm06's topic in General Discussion
Try C:WindowsSystemShell32.dll -
Think windows vista is a POS? Your not alone.
gwhall007 replied to Shug7272's topic in General Discussion
I have to say I am completely happy with Vista. I am running Ultimate and its performance is pretty fast - seems faster than XP Pro, to me. Of course, though, I am running a pretty fast computer... -
Actually, AMD doesn't have a true quad core processor on the market yet. Their "quad core" solution is to put 2 dual core processors on one motherboard. See this article: http://www.anandtech.com/cpuchipsets/showdoc.aspx?i=2879 or this: http://www.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTIzMywxLCxobmV3cw==
Out of curiosity, what memory did you end up getting?
The TCP/IP stack in Vista is COMPLETELY different than in all previous versions of Windows. I would not recommend trying to use Cablenut, or any other similar program, as the registry settings in Vista are not the same. One big difference in Vista is that it dynamically adjusts the RWIN for each connection, based on current network performance. See this link, for all the info you could ever want about Vista's networking specs: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsvista/aa905087.aspx
Bump for mods to my previous most...
The 915P chipset (which is what HP's website says is in your PC) does, indeed, support dual channel memory. See this page for specs of your mother board: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00208497&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=426502&lang=en And this page for the 915P chipset specs: http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/915p/index.htm I highly recommend adding 2 512MB sticks of DDR400 (PC3200) to your machine, for a total of 1.5GB. As for the older Pavilion; sure, more RAM always helps. Be aware that the older machine uses older SDRAM, not DDR. For the newer PC, I would recommend this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820145440 For the older machine, I would get 2 of this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16820134144
Whatever you do, do not buy a single stick of RAM for your PC, as this is a dual channel memory chipset. If you want to add 1GB, buy a matching pair of 512MB sticks. Otherwise, your performance will suffer a bit.
I am sorry, but I seriously think you are mistaken. I know Wiki isn't always 100% correct, but please see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1080p A quote from the article there: Even though various television networks in the world broadcast HDTV programming in 1080i and 720p, no 1080p broadcasting actually exists at this time. Material that has been digitized from a 35-mm film source is basically 1080p24 though, fit into 1080i50 or 1080i60 (progressive with segmented frames) and with proper 3:2 reversal deinterlacing, can be converted back into a true 1080p signal (see above explanation). I think your local stations are broadcasting in 1080i and your tuner or TV are upconverting the signal to 1080p.
Okay, then, who is broadcasting in 1080p?
Hate to say it, but this is not correct. OTA HD broadcasts are not 1080p. The bandwidth required for 1080p is massive - more than can fit in an OTA broadcast channel, I am fairly sure. The best you can get OTA is 1080i, which is what CBS broadcasts in. Fox broadcasts in 720p. I do not know what ABC (my local station's signal is too weak for me to pick up) and NBC (1080i, I think?) broadcast in. My tuner up-converts all of it to 1080i anyways, so it doesn't really matter to me. As someone stated earlier, the only way to get 1080p is with either a Blu-Ray or HD DVD. Personally, I am in no hurry to upgrade my 1080i TV. I seriously doubt most people, if anyone, could really tell the difference between 1080i and 1080p anyway...
Yeah, that Hitachi was/is a pretty good, fast drive. I own one. I know it's as fast, or even faster than the first gen, 36GB Raptors. However, I've got it in one of my computers as a data drive, along with a 74GB Raptor which runs Windows and Apps. The 74GB version of the Raptor is definitely faster than the 7K250 in that machine (A64 X2 4400+, 2GB mem, NF4 SLI MB). I set up all of my personal boxes this way - with a Raptor for the OS and Apps and a big, fast drive (or many of them, see my sig) for data. Shoot, in the rig in my sig, I'm also using another 74GB Raptor just for my swap drive. Talk about quick disk access!
DirectX 10 won't be coming to XP - it's only for Vista.
No sweat. Anything for a fellow 420'r!
Nope. DirectX does not get updated through Windows Update. You have to download it separately via the link provided.
I guess everyone has different experiences. I wouldn't touch a Seagate or Maxtor drive, after all of the problems I have had, and seen, with them ( I repair computers on the side and have seen many dead Seagate and Maxtor drives, not too many Hitachi or WD). I had several Maxtor drives die after less than 1 year of use, before learning my lesson with those. Oh, etherealremnant, I'm sorry to say it but you are completely, and utterly, wrong about the performance of the Raptor drives. Have you ever owned one? I'm not talking about looking at some stupid benchmarks that some stupid site did, but actually using one day to day? I would guess you haven't, based on your statement. I have owned every model Raptor ever made (I'm running the 150GB model now) and used them in RAID arrays and stand-alone. They are MUCH faster than a comparable 7200 RPM drive in real world use. MUCH faster. I have personally owned about 40 different hard drives and worked on about another 100, or so, computers for clients and I am just sharing my experiences of comparing many different hard drives, across many different platforms. In my experience, the WD and Hitachi drives are the best. Others may have different experiences....
I use, and highly recommend, a combination of Nero and Power ISO. However, for free, try ISO Recorder. it can be found at: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm
Do not get that hard drive! That thing is 3 generations old (Seagate is selling the 7200.10 series now) and is IDE. The MB you're getting supports SATA - get a SATA hard drive! IDE is dead and is being phased out. Here is a page full of hard drives: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Category=15&N=2010150014+1035915133+4026&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=14 I have always had very good luck with Hitachi and Western Digital drives (I, personally, would stay away from the Samsung's). Also, WD's RMA policy is much better than Seagate (no cost advance replacements at WD; costs $25 to do this at Seagate), if your drive should happen to die. I know this, because I just had to return a drive from each maker. Anyways, whatever you choose, make sure it is, at least: SATA 3Gb (also known as SATA 300), 8MB cache, 7200 RPM. Hey, what about your optical drive? I recommend one of these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827106015 I have had very good luck with Lite-On drives - I have owned about a dozen of them, or so, with no problems...
Seamonkey is the new name for the old Mozilla Browser Suite - which, I believe, was the same as the good old (and I do mean old) Netscape Navigator. It has much of the same code as Firefox and also includes a mail and chat client. I could very well be wrong, but I think that Mozilla is no longer updating this. I believe that is why they changed the name to Seamonkey.
Either that, or your line simply will not support 1.5Mb speeds and SBC has automatically throttled you down to a speed that your line can support. Go to: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/ilec,am and post your problem there. There are actual SBC tech's on that forum who can look into your account and let you know what is wrong, or even fix it.
No. Nothing 'til Win98 in May or June of '98. Then 98SE one year later, ME and 2000 in 2000, and XP in Oct of '01. I have purchased and used each, except for ME (which was really Win98 with a few new features that made it unstable and a generally crappy OS). Oh yeah, by the way, BOB wasn't an OS, but more like a skin for Windows 3.1 and 95. It provided a supposedly friendly interface for noob's.
This IS a joke, right?
"It's overall detection isn't all that great" - I call BS! Prove it, as everything I have read, and my own experiences, says otherwise. Please provide a link to, at least, one article stating this.
I can't believe no one has mentioned the best of them all - Eset NOD32. Hands down best I have used, which has been just about all of them - including all those mentioned here. I don't know why it isn't mentioned more, as it is a great product with an excellent heuristics engine - very important for early detection of virus' (or is that virii?). Also, they provide virus signature updates almost daily. Don't take my word for it, though. Google it and read. You will find that most true security experts either recommend NOD32 or include it in their list of ones they would recommend. Here is their link, if interested: http://www.nod32.com/home/home.htm