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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. Yea Ive gotten the same thing but under Earthlink twice.It always tells me that my account is about to be terminated and that I should click on the link and reactivate my account.I knew it was a bunch of BS and when I went to support and showed them,they concluded by saying its true that its bogus and that I should not open the link.
  2. Yea Thats what im waiting for
  3. Yup,only North Virginia has it so far,supposedly thats where the most competition is
  4. 9/1 is probably temporary guys,if i were you i would wait for a bit until they fully roll out the 15/2.Enjoy your speeds for now
  5. I tried going to that but it says Action canceled And for that thing with Adelphia,it might happen to me also,but nothing wrong with that,if they require me to switch for increased speeds,ill switch
  6. Cool,thanks. From what I see, it can support up to 43 Mbps on a 256 QAM,so thats pretty fast for a Docsis 1.1,but it doesnt say anything about upload. And for FIOS,supposedly its supposed to be in my area too soon,but the pace is real slow
  7. Yea it would And where would I be able to check the specs of my modem? I have the Toshiba PCX 2500
  8. So then I might not have to change modems yet,if the 1.1 can support up to 40Mbps than im fine.Its not like TWC is gonna give an increase of 35Mbps
  9. A bit off :haha:
  10. Hahaha,they think its not a real download speed
  11. Your getting there then You look like your halfway there,but in the end enjoy the speeds
  12. So what package are you on right now,you have 5/768 to 10/1?
  13. Your right,that helped my tracert C:Documents and SettingsUser>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
  14. Nice speeds,COX did say they were gonna upgrade,so you probably got it already
  15. I know this is off topic on my topic lol,but I want to show everyone that even my download is suffering :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2073 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Download Speed is:: 253 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Thu Jun 2 12:31:16 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 37X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.05 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 54.87 % of your hosts average (mindspring.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8N7QVY3J5
  16. So basically were all having trouble with our uploads? BTW heres my tracert C:Documents and SettingsUser>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1312 ms 959 ms 688 ms 2 1074 ms 771 ms 1033 ms pos0-0-nycmnyw-rtr1.nyc.rr.com [] 3 1318 ms 1382 ms 1209 ms 24-29-113-54.nyc.rr.com [] 4 1026 ms 1013 ms 1229 ms so-8-1.car2.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 5 734 ms 674 ms 741 ms ae-1-51.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 6 885 ms 962 ms 1147 ms as-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 7 1494 ms * 1037 ms ge-1-1-51.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8
  17. Its been happening all day today :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 14 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 2 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Jun 2 12:04:47 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 0X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 512 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 5.83 % of your hosts average (mindspring.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YT92RCM53
  18. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 45 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 6 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Jun 2 11:50:09 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 170.67 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 18.75 % of your hosts average (mindspring.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-OW2RGE3MT And this is from a 384kbps cap from Earthlink
  19. Ok because im curious on this,I always wondered why I had a 1.1 instead of a 1.0 And if I have to switch to a 2.0 Docsis it would be a hassle.
  20. Ok guys I have a Docsis 1.1 cable modem,and we all know that cable companies are planning to increase their speeds real soon.Cox and Adelphia have already stated they will but also said it will require a Docsis 2.0 modem.My question is will my Docsis 1.1 modem be able to handle the speeds once TWC decides to increase also,or will I have to switch to a 2.0 modem?
  21. Yes you can download anything with bit torrent
  22. Yup what .s1 and netmasta said is true,the ISP will find you no matter what,as long as your connected they can track your connection,and plus you wouldnt want to do what your doing,you get caught and its gonna hurt
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