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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Damon, What a cool idea I have thought about a web based scumware cleaner in the past ,although I have never heard anyone discuss it and its not something I would be capable of writing the code for .I think it would be a killer draw to the site,it must be pretty involved thats why its not on a site right now.I know you have alot on your plate and a 9to5 but,if there is anything I can do to help I would be happy to do so.Not to much time ever passes until you come up with a new innovative idea to make the web a cooler place for everyone........Thanks for caring ... now hurry up hehe Microwave
  2. Damon, What a cool idea I have thought about a web based scumware cleaner in the past ,although I have never heard anyone discuss it and its not something I would be capable of writing the code for .I think it would be a killer draw to the site,it must be pretty involved thats why its not on a site right now.I know you have alot on your plate and a 9to5 but,if there is anything I can do to help I would be happy to do so.Not to much time ever passes until you come up with a new innovative idea to make the web a cooler place for everyone........Thanks for caring ... now hurry up hehe Microwave
  3. Damon, What a cool idea I have thought about a web based scumware cleaner in the past ,although I have never heard anyone discuss it and its not something I would be capable of writing the code for .I think it would be a killer draw to the site,it must be pretty involved thats why its not on a site right now.I know you have alot on your plate and a 9to5 but,if there is anything I can do to help I would be happy to do so.Not to much time ever passes until you come up with a new innovative idea to make the web a cooler place for everyone........Thanks for caring ... now hurry up hehe Microwave
  4. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  5. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  6. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  7. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  8. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  9. :)Yeah, Thats a good idea,why don't their computers get jacked somehow...lol Microwave
  10. Swimmer, Thats a lot of spy BS.but I recently removed 509 objects with the same ad ware pgm.Then I ran another and found more,I don't think any of them removes it all so I use a couple of them.In fairness the ones I use are free maybe the ones you buy do a better job.Anyway that shit really pisses me off mainly cause it winds up slowing down the puter.Its not bad enough that they are spying then they screw up your machine those scum suckers. Microwave
  11. Swimmer, Thats a lot of spy BS.but I recently removed 509 objects with the same ad ware pgm.Then I ran another and found more,I don't think any of them removes it all so I use a couple of them.In fairness the ones I use are free maybe the ones you buy do a better job.Anyway that shit really pisses me off mainly cause it winds up slowing down the puter.Its not bad enough that they are spying then they screw up your machine those scum suckers. Microwave
  12. Swimmer, Thats a lot of spy BS.but I recently removed 509 objects with the same ad ware pgm.Then I ran another and found more,I don't think any of them removes it all so I use a couple of them.In fairness the ones I use are free maybe the ones you buy do a better job.Anyway that shit really pisses me off mainly cause it winds up slowing down the puter.Its not bad enough that they are spying then they screw up your machine those scum suckers. Microwave
  13. Swimmer, Thats a lot of spy BS.but I recently removed 509 objects with the same ad ware pgm.Then I ran another and found more,I don't think any of them removes it all so I use a couple of them.In fairness the ones I use are free maybe the ones you buy do a better job.Anyway that shit really pisses me off mainly cause it winds up slowing down the puter.Its not bad enough that they are spying then they screw up your machine those scum suckers. Microwave
  14. Swimmer, Thats a lot of spy BS.but I recently removed 509 objects with the same ad ware pgm.Then I ran another and found more,I don't think any of them removes it all so I use a couple of them.In fairness the ones I use are free maybe the ones you buy do a better job.Anyway that shit really pisses me off mainly cause it winds up slowing down the puter.Its not bad enough that they are spying then they screw up your machine those scum suckers. Microwave
  15. Glad you were able to fix problem,keep visiting this site and tell your friends. Microwave
  16. Glad you were able to fix problem,keep visiting this site and tell your friends. Microwave
  17. Glad you were able to fix problem,keep visiting this site and tell your friends. Microwave
  18. Glad you were able to fix problem,keep visiting this site and tell your friends. Microwave
  19. Glad you were able to fix problem,keep visiting this site and tell your friends. Microwave

    Fast Speed

    What did you use to get the first speed.... Microwave

    Fast Speed

    What did you use to get the first speed.... Microwave

    Fast Speed

    What did you use to get the first speed.... Microwave

    Fast Speed

    What did you use to get the first speed.... Microwave

    Fast Speed

    What did you use to get the first speed.... Microwave
  25. As RTB already said the first thing to do would be turn back the hands of time...restore Reg to pre tinkering.That is if you saved a good copy of your registry,there is stuff that can be downloaded to "tweak" you connection and will actually decrease speed by 50% or more so you must be careful even if you made the adjustments by hand.Lets us know what happens or if you need more help post more info. Microwave
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