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Everything posted by ROM-DOS

  1. . . .some of our females (you know them as Models) think that way. [but we're really just gods in the making] . . .don't worry, we have a great sense of humor ~ we made mankind in OUR image. we're just waiting for you to en-lighten up!!
  2. . . .I'm a Pulsator!
  3. . . .botnick, we're called the ANUNNAKI from Nibiru. . . and we're back!
  4. <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/midgetslaves.jpg" alt="midgetslaves.jpg" /> . . .or slavery involving midgets. The trade consists of many European traders off loading midgets into America where they are later sold onto Airports to be used to cart planes across the many meters of tarmac from the runway to the terminal.
  5. . . .for you Shug ~ it would say somthin' like "I Like(insert ISP)" ~ lol ~ j/k
  6. Businesses and individuals in Britain may soon have to give their encryption keys to the police or face imprisonment. The UK government has said it will bring in the new powers to address a rise in the use of encryption by criminals and terrorists." From the article: "Some security experts are concerned that the plan could criminalise innocent people and drive businesses out of the UK. But the Home Office, which has just launched a consultation process, says the powers contained in Part 3 are needed to combat an increased use of encryption by criminals, paedophiles, and terrorists. 'The use of encryption is... proliferating,' Liam Byrne, Home Office minister of state told Parliament last week. 'Encryption products are more widely available and are integrated as security features in standard operating systems, so the Government has concluded that it is now right to implement the provisions of Part 3 of RIPA... which is not presently in force. What would someone have to be smoking in order to think this is a good idea? It's nothing more than a blatant power grab that will ONLY affect law abiding people and have no effect whatsoever on "terrorists" or whatever other boogeyman will be used to justify more overreaching laws. It's like some sick competition between the US administration and the UK one. "Oh, yeah, you think that telephone call database is slick, check this sh*t out. We're gonna make our subjects give up their crypto keys or go to jail" "Oooh, good one!" (high five)
  7. . . .doesn't surprise me ~ lol <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/hamster.jpg" alt="hamster.jpg" /> I just have to get a "Glass' cage now, for that Glassy Vista look!
  8. What do you guys think of adding your provider name under your name instead of the redundant repeat of what you are?. . .what I'm saying is keep the 'banner' and add your ISP. . . .since this is a broadband and 'speed test' community ~ I thought it would make sense to add 'our' ISP under 'our' names. What do you think? . . .love the 'new' layout, by the way, w the Dark Blue theme!
  9. It seems that human beings are not the only ones who are able to string sentences together Pyow pyow pyow . . . hack hack hack hack! Let's get out of here (in monkey talk) "The findings suggest that the rudiments of syntax, a basic component of human language, may be more widespread among primates than is generally thought, and could ultimately shed light on the evolution of this most distinctly human of traits." "The putty-nosed monkeys, Cercopithecus nictitans, of the Gashaka Gumti National Park, have two main alarm call sounds. A sound known onomatopoeically as the
  10. NASA to Look into NEO Threat Response Proposals NASA is on the lookout for ways to fend off Earth-threatening Near-Earth Objects. The space agency has issued a call for papers May 15 that, among a range of topics, would help sort out possible alternatives to divert an object if found to be on a likely collision course with Earth. A U.S. Congress go-ahead on the matter is tied to the NASA Authorization Act of 2005 passed by Congress late last year, and subsequently signed by the President. "The U.S. Congress has declared that the general welfare and security of the United States require that the unique competence of NASA be directed to detecting, tracking, cataloguing, and characterizing near-Earth asteroids and comets in order to provide warning and mitigation of the potential hazard of such near-Earth objects to the Earth," the Act states. Prepare for impact. Join the watch for killer comets and ominous asteriods. Video: Killer Comets and Ominous Asteroids!
  11. Last chromosome in human genome sequenced According to this article at Reuters, the last chromosome in the human genome has finally been sequenced, taking 150 British and American scientists 10 years to complete. The sequenced chromosome, Chromosome 1, is the largest chromosome, with nearly twice as many genes as the average chromosome, making up eight percent of the human genetic code. The Human Genome Project has published the sequence online in the journal Nature, according to the article. It contains 3,141 genes (over 1,000 of them newly discovered), and 4,500 new SNPs -- single nucleotide polymorphisms -- which are the variations in human DNA that make people unique. Chromosomes, which are found in the nucleus of a cell, are thread-like structures that contain genes which determine the characteristics of an individual. Each chromosome is made up of a molecule of DNA in the shape of a double helix which is composed of four chemical bases represented by the letters A (adenine), T (thymine), G (guanine) and C (cytosine). The arrangement, or sequence, of the letters determines the cell's genetic code. This is good news but not too useful until we can model protein shaping. The AGCT's code for proteins and so far we can only model very short combinations. All you coders keen for a life project have a crack at it. Theres 20 amino acids formed from combinations of three base pairs. The amino acids have attraction and repulsion properties with each other and their environment and form to make a unique shape. It's the analysis of that 3D shape that will solve: - all cancer - modelling protein shapes means instant cancer cures - bird flu - again modelling proteins means instant antibodies to diseases - the most toxic substance ever invented - it will also open up designer drugs Genetic study reveals surprises in human evolution
  12. Planets Found in Potentially Habitable Setup By Ker Than ~ SPACE.com "Three medium-sized planets of roughly the same mass as Neptune have been discovered around a nearby Sun-like star, scientists announced today." "The planets were discovered around HD 69830, a star slightly less massive than the Sun located 41 light-years away in the constellation Puppis (the Stern), using the ultra-precise HARPS spectrograph on the European Southern Observatory's 3.6-meter La Silla telescope in Chile." "The setup is similar to our own solar system in many ways: The outermost planets is located just within the star's habitable zone, where temperatures are moderate enough for liquid water to form, and the system also contains an asteroid belt." "The newly discovered planets have masses of about 10, 12 and 18 times that of Earth and they zip around the star in rapid orbits of about 9, 32 and 197 days, respectively." "Based on their distances from the star, two inner worlds nearest the star are rocky planets similar to Mercury, the scientists suspect. The outermost planet is thought to have a solid core of rock and ice and shrouded by a thick gas envelope."
  13. Check out this short online video. Major telecommunications companies are spending millions lobbying congress to make the Internet into a private network.This is really about the government withdrawing our right to Internet Freedom, it
  14. Broadband services are offering faster and faster speeds, but consumers should be careful before they pay more for bandwidth they may not need. Most services that tout faster speeds are overkill for the majority of broadband users today, analysts say, since the multimedia applications that consumers use only consume a fraction of the available bandwidth. Beware of broadband speed overkill By Marguerite Reardon Staff Writer, CNET News.com "Unless you live with five Internet addicts, it's hard to come up with a use case for some of these high-end bandwidth packages," said Joe Laszlo, an analyst with JupiterResearch. "The cable operators are trying to keep up with Verizon's Fios service, and they can't look like the slowest guy on the block." Laszlo's reality check comes as cable operators and telephone companies compete to offer the fastest, most expansive broadband service around. The company with the network to beat appears to be Verizon Communications, which is extending fiber directly to homes to carry a triple play of services including high-speed Internet access, television and telephone service. It currently offers three tiers in its Fios service: 5Mbps (megabits per second) downstream/2Mbps upstream for $34.95 per month; 15Mbps/2Mbps for $44.95; and 30 Mbps/5mbps for $179.95. In March, Comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, doubled download speeds of its fastest broadband service in four cities to 16Mbps for downloads and 1Mbps for uploads at a cost of $52.95 per month. It offers 8Mbps downloads in the rest of its territory. Laszlo's reality check comes as cable operators and telephone companies compete to offer the fastest, most expansive broadband service around. The company with the network to beat appears to be Verizon Communications, which is extending fiber directly to homes to carry a triple play of services including high-speed Internet access, television and telephone service. It currently offers three tiers in its Fios service: 5Mbps (megabits per second) downstream/2Mbps upstream for $34.95 per month; 15Mbps/2Mbps for $44.95; and 30 Mbps/5mbps for $179.95. In March, Comcast, the nation's largest cable operator, doubled download speeds of its fastest broadband service in four cities to 16Mbps for downloads and 1Mbps for uploads at a cost of $52.95 per month. It offers 8Mbps downloads in the rest of its territory. Cablevision, which also competes with Verizon, offers consumers two tiers of service: 15Mbps/1Mbps for $49.95 or 30Mbps/2Mbps for $64.95. Time Warner has also jacked up the speeds of its service. In certain areas of the East Coast it offers a 7Mbps/384Kbps package for $39.95. In other Time Warner regions, users get 5Mbps/384Kbps for $39.95. Of course, it's not all a speed competition. Though consumers may not yet need all that broadband, carriers argue that customers tend to make their buying decisions based on speed. But JupiterResearch's Laszlo said most of the services that tout faster speeds are overkill for the majority of broadband users today because the multimedia applications that consumers use only consume a fraction of the available bandwidth. For example, a good quality video streamed from CNN.com, Comedy Central's MotherLoad or even CNET's own site only takes up between 500Kbps and 600Kbps worth of bandwidth. Streaming audio consumes even less bandwidth. A service such as Real's Rhapsody music player, which offers near CD-quality sound, uses about 128Kbps to 256Kbps. Then there is Internet telephony, which only uses about 56Kbps. Downloading music and video takes up even less bandwidth. It could take 10 to 12 seconds longer to download a song from iTunes using a 768Kbps connection compared to using a 6Mbps connection. Laszlo says he believes most households with one or two computers sharing a broadband connection would be fine with between 1Mbps and 2Mbps of download capacity. He said the real need for speed increases is in upload speeds rather than download speeds. Both AT&T and Verizon offer plans with relatively low-speed connections for less than $20 per month. Verizon offers 768Kbps for $14.95, when ordered online. AT&T is offering its 1.5Mbps service for the first year of service for $12.99 per month. But what about the future? "Verizon's 768Kbps might be sufficient for today," said Albert Lin, an analyst with American Technology Research. "But it will be inadequate for the majority of users in two years." But the biggest driver for super-fast broadband connections will likely come from high-definition video. Depending on the compression technology used, one high-definition stream on one TV eats up between 10Mbps and 20Mbps of bandwidth. Standard definition broadcasts use between 2Mbps and 6Mbps per channel, depending on the compression technology used. AT&T, which is upgrading its network to offer IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) service, will need to offer consumers a minimum of 20 Mbps into the home, said Laszlo. Cable operators and Verizon, which will also offer HDTV, have built their networks so their high-speed Internet service is separate from the capacity that delivers TV. But as more content providers like Walt Disney's ABC offer programming directly over the Internet, consumers will need faster connections to handle the streams. Copyright
  15. Welcome to TMN ~ jerbau & traversecounty . . .if you have any questions ~ just ask. Great Speeds traversecounty ~ I'm jealous, too!!
  16. Welcome to TMN ~ m4st3r.y0d4 . . .how do you pronounce your name, again?
  17. New Road Rage survey just released; Miami drivers speed, tailgate and cut off other drivers so frequently that they have earned the city the title of having the worst road rage in the country. Phoenix, New York, Los Angeles and Boston were next in the top five cities for rude driving. Minneapolis, Nashville, St. Louis, Seattle and Atlanta were rated as the cities with the most courteous drivers, who were less likely to change lanes without signaling or swear at other motorists. Drivers owned up to some rude behavior themselves: Nearly all said they had talked on a cell phone while driving, and 64 percent acknowledged they occasionally drive too fast. Young drivers and people with long commutes were found to be the most likely to react to an aggressive or rude driver. The top reactions included honking the horn, cursing or making an obscene gesture. No distinct differences were found between male and female drivers.
  18. Advanced Micro Devices will come out with a new chip architecture next year currently dubbed the Next Generation Processor Technology. Chips built under the new AMD architecture will feature a faster version of HyperTransport, an input-output technology featured on AMD chips. HyperTransport 3.0, recently approved by the standards body that governs the development of the technology, will accomplish 5.2 gigatransfers (5.2 billion transfers of data) per second. The new chips will also sport four processing cores. One of the biggest changes will come in the caches, reservoirs of memory built into the processor for rapid data access. In current AMD chips, each core has two caches and those caches are completely dedicated to their respective cores. In future chips, each core will also have two dedicated caches, but the cores will also share a third cache. With the third cache, the processor will less often have to fetch data from main memory. The integrated memory controller on the new chips will also connect to DDR2 memory and accommodate DDR3. <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/AMDNexGen.bmp" alt="AMDNexGen.bmp" />
  19. The sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., told Fox News he's doing his part to sign up illegal aliens with the Selective Service, as the law requires. Sheriff Joe Arpaio said some 8,000 border-jumpers, now sitting in his jail cells, have signed up so far -- "and they can be drafted if the time ever comes." Arapaio, known for his tough and innovative approach to crime-fighting, says the nation needs more effective border control and the government is tackling the problem belatedly. Just after President Bush spoke Monday night, Arizona authorities arrested 18 more illegals in Maricopa County, Arpaio said. He also said if the National Guard is deployed to the border, he hopes the troops will give him a heads-up when illegals are headed into Maricopa County -- "so I can arrest them." Arpaio said he's the only sheriff who's enforcing a new state law that allows him to charge illegal aliens with criminal conspiracy to smuggle themselves into the United States. "I do have a message, and I think it's getting through -- to stay out of this county," Arpaio said. . . .is the Federal government now legitmizing illegals? NON-CITIZENS Some non-citizens are required to register. Others are not. Noncitizens who are not required to register with Selective Service include men who are in the U.S. on student or visitor visas, and men who are part of a diplomatic or trade mission and their families. Almost all other male noncitizens are required to register, including illegal aliens, legal permanent residents, and refugees. The general rule is that if a male noncitizen takes up residency in the U.S. before his 26th birthday, he must register with Selective Service. For a more detailed list of which non-citizens must register, see Who Must Register ~ Chart ~ http://www.sss.gov/FSwho.htm
  20. I imagine tomorrow you can go here for the download; http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsmedia/default.mspx
  21. AMD To Roll Out Low-Power Desktop CPUs "AMD, Sunnyvale, Calif., will begin shipping production quantities of low-power Athlon and Sempron CPUs later this month or early next month, said David Schwartzbach, AMD's division marketing manager, desktops. The processors will be available in dual-core 64-bit models under the Athlon 64 X2 brand, single-core 64-bit models under the Athon 64 brand, and single-core 32-bit models under the Sempron brand." "Those processors will be offered in an energy efficient line that will run at a thermal design point of 65 watts or an energy efficient small form factor option that will run at a thermal design point of 35 watts. AMD's current desktop processors have a thermal design point of 51 watts to 110 watts, depending on the model, according to specifications on its Web site. Schwartzbach said a typical desktop processor runs at about 89 watts." Blurbing; AMD has also lowered prices on several of its microprocessors. The price of certain Opteron processors, as well as Athlon XP and mobile Athlon CPUs, were lowered recently. AMD apparently does not feel any pressure to lower prices of Athlon 64 chips, which are selling briskly. AMD plans on launching 939-pin Athlon 64 CPUs at Comdex, which should occur in early June. The 939-pin versions should marginally increase processor speeds, and AMD will bump the processor models to reflect the higher speeds. These new CPU launches will probably be the last AMD desktop CPU introductions before 90 nanometer Athlon 64 CPUs are released in the fall. AMD has largely succeeded in its goal of substantially raising the Average Selling Price (ASP) of its processors and shouldn't need to drastically lower prices in the near future.
  22. Turn flat surfaces into speakers with the Nimzy Vibro Blaster "No bigger than a tub of Vaseline (lol), the Vibro Blaster promises to be the ultimate portable speaker as long as you've got a flat, solid surface." "The gadget works by transforming sonic signals into sonic mechanical vibrations to produce 15 watts of sound quality to rival some of it
  23. yeah, I stopped by 'Wally World' the other day ~ they had all their constucto chit in the isles still ~ it didn't look promissing ~ lol But, Greeter Hinkey was very helpful in showing me the 'Trash Bags' <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/walmart_greeterman.jpg" alt="walmart_greeterman.jpg" /> <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/martdom.jpg" alt="martdom.jpg" />
  24. The issue not being addressed is the fact that 75% of the National Guard is in Iraq! We
  25. . . .before or after? The Inquirer.net is also offering free copies of WMP 11 on its site. http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=31723
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