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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. lol
  2. i understand what you are saying, i just have a hard time finding a good side of any sexual crime. because they ruin peoples lives unlike anything else.
  3. i think how bad it is for the victim although sad is irrelevant it's illegal and they should go to jail like somone else posted, any man would be in jail for 3-5 and would have a tough time in prison getting beaten and probably raped by inmates who were abused as kids, and the guards.. they would do nothing about it. I have friends who have spent weekends in jail and have told me how disliked child molesters are in prison. I don't think because it's some hot chick she should not be convicted + imprisoned.
  4. so it's ok just because somone isn't traumatized? that's opening the door for all kinds of BS
  5. i love how immature you are
  6. if you cant tell from how that is worded, it was obviously a joke -- and look how long ago it was short term memory? please go away and never mention my name again
  7. i don't remember saying anything about p2p, and i think you must be out of your mind for attempting to blaim me for a company making a very bad business choice,
  8. i like how he made yet another name.
  9. i highly doubt there is a correlation
  10. my names pete, and guess what im 1337
  11. mayeb bad equipment
  12. 80 upload is about 768K rated. so i dont think you meet the requirement
  13. Downstream Value Frequency 705000000 Hz Signal To Noise Ratio 35.6 dB Power Level -6.3 dBmV The Downstream Power Level reading is a snapshot taken at the time this page was requested. Please Reload/Refresh this Page for a new reading Upstream Value Channel ID 4 Frequency 22000000 Hz Power 50.5 dBmV those look good? for comcast
  14. lame
  15. i see you're a mod now rom
  16. amd will turn into an intel like company if they get too big and we will all run back to intel
  17. have you seen the article about how the sony rootkit stops the World of warcraft antihack spyware? apparently hackers everywhere are flocking to buy a sony cd so they can hack in peace.. quite interesting http://www.techspot.com/news/19318-sonys-drm-used-by-wow-cheaters.html heh (sony) Rootkit -Vs- (blizzard) spyware... Winner (sony) Rootkit
  18. lmfao im telling you that his id2 corp f***ing obsessed with servers get a life lame ass btw nice network satcom
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