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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. your gonna buy it? it only has agp4x.. thats fine if you don't game but if you do ....
  2. if thier is an option to change the port used for bf2 i would change it to something and forward it using the router maybe optimum online blocks the port... but then you wouldn't be able to get on at all... maybe its just a plain old ISP problem
  3. im guessing youve scanned for viruses/spyware
  4. thats what i use minus the toolbar
  5. You got 10 right! Excellent, you have the makings of a proper propeller head.
  6. i finally decided to try tweaking my Comcast connection. downloaded cablenut and vanburens settings 7, i see all kinds of connections in his files but none that are 8000,768 closest ones 6,000 768 and 10000,1000 OOL what should i use? Nm, i found his page where you can make your own settings.. according to speak easy im getting 9.3 MB + according to testmy.net im getting 2.9 ....... LOl quite a split i think testmy.net is having problems today anyway
  7. congrizzadulizzations. thought i'd throw some snoop in thier
  8. ahh i thought it might have been my new firewall
  9. am i the only one getting mysql errors
  10. always 'hatin on FF huh ray
  11. not true swimmer. i only had 1 port open for bit torent. and syn flood doesn't operate like that
  12. ive heard so many bad things about paypal, i would never put my CC information on theyre website
  13. probably did do something all i know is a got a great new surfboard 5101 modem and my net works fine now so im happy.
  14. yes it's confirmed. considering i had connections from zombies from just about every single ISP in the world edit: it was a SYN flood to be exact basicly what it does is it spams your connection so you cant open new valid connections using bad protocol implemented in the windows tcp/ip stack
  15. this one is a fresh format. atleast i got just about the best cable modem available out of the deal
  16. i think someone DDOS'ed Me comcast is now monitoring my connection and any connections will be logged and anyone who attempts to hack me at this point will be going to federal prison
  17. was hoping no to reformat my other pc but looks like i must.
  18. back online now. reformat + new surfboard5101 modem... hopefully im safe now
  19. so i wake up this morning none of my pcs will get on the internet i call comcast, i reboot the network nothing works then one pc comes back online i look at the netstat i have connections on a million ports from a million different websites and ip's... my other pc wont get on the internet says limited or no connectivity i cant even access the router page from it what is going on ..... ive scanned for viruses on both pcs... none
  20. you cant just paste files and think it will work, you need a full version of an xp cd... you can make one if you have an xp home.iso wink wink...
  21. that is the lowest score ive ever seen with comcast
  22. maybe its cached.... just really poorly
  23. might as well once your hooked on heroin thats about it. thats an almost impossible habit to kick i knew a girl who was addicted and she never was able to get off
  24. he is probably doing it because it is over heating due to a blown fuse edit: i have comcast and i had a terayon that i switched out for a scientific atlanta.. had the atlanta for months now and not one problem only time it goes out is when theyre is an outage in my area
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