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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. communism is garbage
  2. no problem.
  3. why are you flaming him... his test doesn't look cached
  4. i live in pittsburgh. in an area where everyone is jewish except me so i'm like the only one on cable internet :haha:
  5. that is one good thing about linux. it will install on almost any box
  6. well thiers a range of where it should be. when i had the tech come out he actually changed my signal levels because they were too high. it's one of those things.. too high is bad too low is bad the tech will know when he comes out.
  7. i also live in PA and i usually do get 8mbs what area are you in? if it's really crowded like near philly the tech might be right
  8. lol. i just had one come out last sunday same time
  9. i never get more then 8.3mb but im paying for 8 so obviously i should be happy
  10. amd is cool. but i use a p4 3ghz 1mb L2 cache /w HT and it works great for everything and it was super cheap
  11. i've given up on linux, every version i have tried has had me run back to windows xp pro sp2. it's like the only OS for me, im sure one day i will find a linux i like but i really think ill just move to vista and not look back
  12. long time ago it was a suse i know that
  13. yea. that means nothing i'd have a tech come out.
  14. in my exprience that website doesn't have the newest distros right away though
  15. lol. i'm not kidding aol is trash to the highest degree
  16. i'd really like to see this added. it really does seem like a good idea
  17. heh. when you get into realms of hacking/cracking (i've been thier) you come in contact with alot of shady programs/authors you really just need to know that no one is above using thier program for devious means
  18. i meant that AOL is spyware :haha:
  19. are you paying for 6mb or 8mb? also, where do you live because comcast is having alot of issues lately. mostly in california and florida from what ive heard
  20. me too. i've never gotten one that i liked enough to switch... i really liked suse but my video card worked badly with it.
  21. post test results. and give us details on how your network is set up
  22. ROFL
  23. i have both installed. and they both work great
  24. start>control panel>network connections>(right) click local area connection>properties>configure>advanced> link speed&duplex> try it on both 10mb full duplex and 100mb full duplex see if either works better
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