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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. the software might be crappy. how were you logging in Before PPOE ? if it's twice as fast i'd ditch the software since it should only be a few clicks to connect
  2. liquid nitrogen ... thats extreme
  3. well since you say your on the 6mb package obviously AOL screwed up the test...spyware i say!
  4. helkern only affects windows 2000 server anyway if im not mistaken. i use Kaspersky antivirus and it tells me that it blocked it every once in awhile. i also ditched sygate along time ago because it would always tell me it blocked nydis.sys or something like that.. and it got to the point of me being super annoyed
  5. comcast buisness isn't cable though.. if im not mistaken i believe it's thier version of FIOS and we have business routers/hubs and stuff and it's always pretty fast
  6. his isp is comcast
  7. uhh..? so the guy isn't in kuwait
  8. that upload makes me cry
  9. nice... is that fiber?
  10. i genuinly threw all my brain/heart believe it's him.. but if it really isn't i apologize of course for the terrible accusation of being him ..
  11. wow. i didn't know id2 was banned.. and this guy joins the next day.. sounding just like him/crying/begging/whining about the same stuff? yea it's him... don't try to play us
  12. well that could change everything.. since thats what its designed to do (cablenut)
  13. yes yours and a spray is like an image you can spray onto walls/bodies etc in counterstrike for example mine is my avatar... and somone had yours and they sprayed it right next to mine in a game and it made me laugh because it reminded me of these forums which i love dearly
  14. have you tried cablenut at all?
  15. i was playing cs the other night and somone used your avatar for a spray
  16. actually.. it would make you walk slower due to the weight of 10 stacks of paper in a box :haha: just thought i'd put my 2 cents in...
  17. i swear. it's the same person.... it has to be can a mod please check the ip against the id2 corp guy ...
  18. dude... are you sure your not id2 corp kid. your just like him always crying about servers and omfg ive been capped
  19. .localhost i love it!
  20. that theme is called Vista actually. i changed the background it fully skins everything in windows it looks great + doesn't slow down pc like most theming programs.
  21. bad settings.. isp error so many different factors with an internet connection
  22. actually.. yes it does show the manufacturer and who it is supported by.
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