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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. i'd say azureus is the best p2p program on the net....Easily!
  2. also... does p3 even meet the requirements for vista? i know it's pretty hard
  3. im calling PETA
  4. nasty.
  5. oh i'm so very sorry...
  6. i can see this is going no where. i did not call him a moron. i just stated he didn't realize we were discussing if the program was malware free.. you just assumed i was thinking he was a moron? thanks for reading my mind shrug maybe you can teach me that some time ?
  7. you obviously have no idea what we are talking about. obviously limewire can't control what people choose to share... and shrug: like i said i have had all the versions. and i never got "limeshop" or "bonzai buddy"
  8. im sorry but that is all crap. limewire has an always will be clean. and i personally know one of the developers these people have probably download limewire from dubious sources. thanks for playing? was that called for...
  9. im greedy... i want like a lightspeed connection
  10. shrug i really don't want to start an argument here. but no version of limewire has ever had spyware, it's an open source program and thats one of it's main selling points no spyware/adware popups ever... maybe you got your copy from a dubious source.. because ive used limewire from the very first beta till now and never a hint of anything devious.
  11. Nice. whad do you use them for.
  12. im sure this one will be linux-proof...
  13. yea i just got really upset. im gonna stick around
  14. that is your real speed
  15. i like lesbians
  16. well it's not really bad. norton can do it. try disabling it for one test.
  17. the manufacturers website.
  18. you see their is no way you are getting Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 3155.88 % faster than the average for host (veridas.net) which means you have a "cached" test, are you using a web accelerator program or any firewalls? they can interfere with the speed test
  19. yes its the same
  20. Download Speed: 9234 kbps (1154.3 KB/sec transfer rate) Upload Speed: 699 kbps (87.4 KB/sec transfer rate) from speak easy
  21. welcome to the forum. and your first cached test
  22. atleast one moderator was on my side. the person was an annoying leech to the forum. and guess what? he stays and i guess im going thats life i guess.
  23. organ_shifter you sent me a pm just now. saying my tactics were childish? how dare you i simply posted why he was disrupting the forum. people voted. and they voted for a ban. im done with this forum. im really sorry to see it happen but i will not be part of a forum where people like that are heralded as some kind of untouchable god.
  24. nice.
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