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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. Sorry no screenshots, but I wrote down some of the info, and the FPS I got on the processor. EDIT: These are averages, Not true all-time fps.
  2. I get 1k a month and 12k every december, Father past away (Social Security Deposit). I get this til' I'm 18 tho. Already have saved 19k && paid off my truck 11k
  3. Oh and two 512mb RAM cards are gonna be replaced in 3 days
  4. Upgrading graphics card in t-minus 1 month. An 8800GT
  5. Dude I love you, my bro from testmy.net
  6. New Zalaman heatsink performance very impressive! Overclocked core 2 duo to a blistering fast 3.30Ghz 1st Picture - Temps @ 100% Load 2nd Picture - Idle Temps @ 1% Load 3rd + 4th - Heatsink Pictures.
  7. Jail probley, dumbass.
  8. Current Billing: $100.00 - Roadrunner + Premium - Unlimited Basic Cable + HDTV - Unlimited Long Distance Telephone
  9. Connections for roadrunner are based on the internet speeds produced around your local area. So roadrunner doesn't always have the same speeds as other major out laying areas. I.E: Rochester, New York. Upstate New York's, City.
  10. Speeds increased the first of April buffalo maybe on a different server. Call you local time warner and ask them about the price change, I've had my connection for a month and a half, remember this wasn't released only has been offered to people who ask about it.
  11. I need a burger.
  12. Price drops on newegg often don't hit retailers for around 1-2 weeks. Nice setup btw. 700Watt PSU? I'd wait as the new PSU's come out get a cheap one in like a month or so.
  13. Lmao, Haven't seen him in a hot minute.
  14. Don't worry, I turned off the connection anyways, ordering another roadrunner connection. Thanks y'all for making me feel like a
  15. Tweaked Speedfan, til' It was in manual control, put everything at 100% and heres what I now get for temps.
  16. Tried ATItool Wouldn't find my monitor. It's a plug and play for Christ sake. Anyways I've lowered the Voltages of the VCORE to 1.3000v Running a little cooler now.
  17. ...They pick up for free? Omg I seriously never new that.
  18. Just a little..
  19. Can't mess with the graphics card, until they release software and reg keys for coolbits 4 vista.
  20. Phoenix Bios that came with the motherboard.
  21. I've pushed further into the potential of this CPU, with plenty of headroom left I've managed to get a stable 3.00Ghz out of an E6600 (2.4Ghz)
  22. Overclocking accomplished! Intel Core 2 Duo 2.8Ghz / 1244.1MHZ Rated FSB / 311.0 Bus speed - 1.312v
  23. Bios wont let me do anything it's weird only thing it wants to let me change is the ram timing and voltages cpu speed stepping and multiplier nothing about the frequencies at all can be changed
  24. Cpu-Z may not work with vista, only conclusion I can come up with. But NVmonitor rates everything at correct speeds, But still what should I use to overclock. I can not overclock this with anything I've thought to use, and I really don't like google searching programs to overclock. Anyone suggest a program?
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