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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. all computers take different settings and not every connection is the same even if your right next door with the same package and equipment. what setting were you using from VAN ?
  2. what model is the modem you bought? if you still have the old modem optimum gave you what was it?
  3. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :uglystupid2: :idiot2:
  4. its pretty good but its cable so if your node is overcrowded you wont hit full speeds but even if you dont who really needs that much. i just have it cause its a great deal for $45 a month with a website
  5. no tommie he has my ISP and the lowest package is 15/2 but depending on his area he will probably be around 12 mb to 14 mb. try this file below and tell me how it works.
  6. bah i didnt read it :haha: i've been drinking and anytime you need help just ask
  7. what router of firewall you using ? sounds like its being blocked
  8. not bad but i get faster to testmy.net and i think that site is in texas also. my trace route wont finish and keeps timing out Your Download Speed: 22.22 Mbps Your Upload Speed: 3.45 Mbps Quality of Service: 98.80%
  9. well you can start here( http://www.cablenut.com/ ) and read about it if you like or you can use another users settings and just change them till you get the best results. you really cant mess anything up with it cause if there is something you dont like just hit the CLEAR ALL BOXES tab and exit then restart your comp and its just as it was before you used cablenut. if you need help just post it up in the make it faster forum ( http://www.testmy.net/forum/b-3 ) and you'll get all the help you need
  10. well if i test to a far website like california with no settings from cablenut i would get about 1 mb upload and with cablenut i get about 3.8 mb so it helps alot with the right settings. also you could have the same ISP and package but need totally different settings so it takes a bit to get it right. dont give up that easy
  11. i dont get my upload with the optimizer but cablenut i do.
  12. what were your settings before if you dont mind posting them here
  13. you can try my old setting for 10/1 and see how they do
  14. i should be getting fiber soon but its not gonna be much faster then what i have now
  15. thats just a speed burst for a little bit but with fiber you can get more than that all the time. better than no upgrade though right
  16. whats better a dual processor or 1 quad core processor ?
  17. :haha: :haha: that was good man
  18. i got it and didnt know what it was but i'll try to chage it again too see if the problem happens again so it can be fixed. EDIT just tried it and it didnt change again but i'll wait a few to see if it changes and try clearing my browser if it doesnt. EDIT 2 it changes after a few minutes by itself so is that ok cable?
  19. The xbox live wrongfully convicted you :haha:
  20. it changed by itself after a while lol
  21. i tried to change it and everytime i try it just goes back to the old one i was using already. any idea's how to fix this
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