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Everything posted by justinlay

  1. Welcome to the fourm!!!!. Im running direcway and it does that everyone once a while.
  2. Well just tested i also have this connection shared :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2092 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 255 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 37 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.02 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=A1Q7JN2RE pretty close test
  3. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 1759 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 215 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 31 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 4.76 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=Y4DXPUWPM
  4. Its the same here it goes to my isp and then back. What does that ? stand for??
  5. heres what you can do to save some money. set your own pole run the wires to it,and put the dish on the pole, and have the installer just point it. That alown will say you atleast a hundred. it shouldnt cost no more that 100 to point it. Call around to get a figure When you get a pole i used a gas pip. like 1/4 thick. make shur the diamitor is no bigger than 2 1/4 i belive. get a 8foot put 3foot in the ground and have 5 foot above.
  6. Jim i woudnt upgrade to the 6000. Ive just heard nothing but problems, just ask The Reverend. I still have the 4000 and never had a problem
  7. when i first got my dish i had it on the roof, but i didnt have any problems with it. about a couple of months later i put it on a pole. If i was you jim i would put it on a pole it would save you alot of headacks
  8. yah the upload isnt all that great with direcway. Its getting cold here and my signal is staing the same, i also put it on a pole. dont tell anyone I see up my own dish
  9. Is this crazzy???!!! Its the distance from me to testmy.net what does that ? stand for
  10. well hell theres part of you problem your using win98. I had a laptop with 98 on it 500Mhz proc. and i only saw haft of my speed, but when i pluged it up back to my xp i was geting normal speeds??? Im also running the old school DW4000
  11. welcome to the fourm!!! Damn dud
  12. I almost upgraded, but i decided not to. not for 300 dollars. my 4000 recivers work just fine
  13. Well if you geting pretty good speeds now, i wouldnt go to the effort of swiching
  14. your more likely are on satmex5. I had to switch from satmex5 to G4R because i couldnt get it to commision. G4R also has less traffic
  15. i get 72 im also on the G4R sat. that is max i can get. maybe one day ill see if i can get it higher
  16. ive got about 80 foot i get around 2000Kbps it just depends on the day. Is it just me or i keep hearing theres alot of problems with the DW6000?
  17. Ive always heard creating more that one partition to a hard drive tends to slow things down. If im wrong please correct me
  18. You shouldnt haft to, but if your going to install an os on that selected partion yah the os will ask to format it.
  19. Do you have the website
  20. Im looking for a good html editor?? Besides Frontpage. Im currently using Yahoo site builder and i fucking hate that program.
  21. Well ive only used this account. Ca3le if i have another acount go ahead and delete it.
  22. So yall are saying i have two accounts?? How did i get two accounts??
  23. yah i think im going to say with direcway.
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