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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. cable have you gotten that pm/email from me ? (it was about that scroll thing on the top)
  2. bastard.....with a really fast download speed hahahh
  3. if you look at newegg.com also look at zipzoomfly.com ... mostly same deals as new egg, some better, plus = free shipping on everything
  4. hey...im not a lucky bastard
  5. y not have more ?
  6. you have to use settings which you have such as if your service is 3000downl 512up use that setting , do not select 5000down 512 (which you want )
  7. i wanna get into the 6mpbs range....
  8. one more :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5300 Kbps about 5.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 647 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 95 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.58 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=RP911HYL0
  9. hes on charter pipeline...its pretty expensive
  10. is that possible ? probably not...im on that cheaper plan for 39.95....4 down and 512 up
  11. this is me again....after some tweaks *Cox* :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5027 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 614 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 90 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.67 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=4B69JA6SW
  12. I've been having problems with my website....this is what Im getting when I try accessing the forums: i've received the following error that stopped me from accessing the phpbb forums: Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /home/escustom/public_html/azpocbb/db/mysql4.php on line 48 Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/escustom/public_html/azpocbb/db/mysql4.php on line 330 Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/escustom/public_html/azpocbb/db/mysql4.php on line 331 phpBB : Critical Error Could not connect to the database I do not know much about php or the mysql databases...any help is appreciated....i think it is a problem somewhat related to sql server, since i tried doing a fresh installation of phpbb and was getting the same error while updating the config.php
  13. which dist. of linux do you run? what are your speeds when running windows ?
  14. hey, its a long shot, but do you know selay she goes to NAU too
  15. hey, im at asu too they tell me im a stud, so you must be a fake hahahaha lol just kidding
  16. i have purchased 2 distributions so far: mandrake 9.0 (powerpack edition) and redhat 9.0pro but ended up using the latest fedora project (using it now) due to the fact that those 2 dist.'s of linux had no or little support for my video car (ATI) - i like mandrake even better than fedora, but just couldnt get it to work with radeon 9000pro at ALL ! - tried everything !
  17. using fedora 2 ? me too.....i absolutely love it !
  18. Having some trouble with cox last few days..... I dont know if any of you are experiencing this, but I have a significant decrease in speed - i have always been able to hit ~5000Kbps on download tests and right now I cant get past ~3000Kbps - thats pretty significant, webpages seem to load slower and all that - if any of you want to see what Im talking about take a look at my 30day report ( http://www.testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?comp_id=625701115054'>http://www.testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?comp_id=625701115054 ) - anybody got any ideas of what could be happening ? any help appreciated, i wanna get back up Here's a download test I ran now: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3439 Kbps about 3.4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 420 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 61 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.44 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=75H43TXNU -it's not so bad, but it's still a significant drop in speed
  19. cat5 is just a regular "networking cable", you know, the one that kinda looks like the phone line but not really
  20. another one :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 1315 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Upload Speed is: 160 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 23 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 6.4 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=IW8QD9940
  21. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 1497 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Upload Speed is: 183 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 27 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 5.6 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=CNGCRGBQ7
  22. This is during the school day, taken today, @ about 8:30am - ASU main campus
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