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Everything posted by tonyp56
fikester, Thanks, thought that was the way it was, but wanted to make sure.
You will have to unplug the DW7000 from the router, and hook your router directly to your computer, then go to its setup page and follow these instructions, Disable the built in DHCP server. Set its LAN IP address to Set its LAN Subnet Mask to Set its LAN Default Gateway to Note: Not all routers will have these settings. If yours does not you should consider purchasing either a hard wired hub or a wireless access point. Also you may loose connectivity to your router after making these changes. If at any point you want to reset your router, most routers have a reset button on the back. Press and hold the reset button for at least 15 seconds. This will reset the router to its original factory settings and allow you to regain connectivity to it. Once you do this you will have to either reboot your computer, or do what From Planet Bob. Once computer is rebooted you will want to plug your DW 7000 into one of the LAN ports, not the WAN port! This is very important, it will not work right if you plug the DW7000 into the WAN. (I have a Belkin Wireless Router, and this is according to Direcway's instructions, and I've never been able to get the DW 7000 to assign IP address if it is plugged into the WAN port while using the Belkin as a router, if I change it to a WAP, then I have to plug it into the WAN port) Now you should be able to type in the address above and it should take you to the routers setup page, typing should still take you to the DW7000's setup page. Good luck, hope this info helps, I had to research for it when I set mine up.
40kbs on a 7000 Pro system on 4000 satellite HELP!
tonyp56 replied to Crispy Niggets's topic in DW7000 Information
Crispy Niggets, 91 signal strength is great, however--and I don't want to confuse you more--what is your cross-pol #? Type or click in your address bar, then click antenna pointing, click next (without selecting anything) make sure "Perform ACP" is checked, then click next, and now you can choose Auto or Manual, the difference is Auto test and gives you a number, manual, runs the test constant and will give you a reading of what your cross-pol number is real time, kinda like signal strength will, it will go up and down as you watch it. I'd run a manual, then make sure it shows that it passes. If it passes, hopefully at least in the 65-70 range, you are good to go. But it sounds like you shouldn't have anything to worry about, the slow downs you have I believe are normal, Direcway speeds. -
Decade, Just wondering if you ever got charged anything additional after upgrading to Pro? Besides the obvious $10, thinking about doing it, I mean, what's $10 after paying as much as I am. Speeds are doing ok for me, but I'd like to have some more speed. Do you, now that you've upgraded to Pro, think it is worth $10? Or would I just be wasting my time. Thanks,
DW7000 .74 meter dish 89W:1170 RSL: 76 XPOL: 70
Mine was a Apple IIc (no hard drive, used 5 1/4" disk). That and a 286, with 12Mhz turbo mode :D. Boy the old days. How long they've been.
You could put some guide wires up on three or four corners of the pole. Why did the installer use lumber? Metal pole is the best, because wood is more likely to warp over time and of course throw your dish off. If that 4x6 is 12' long, and it is in the ground 3', that means you've got 9' feet above ground, with that big dish, it is going to move. The bottom of the dish has to be at least 6' above ground, so therefore you could shorten your pole by about 3', which could make it a little better. Other than that, I'd get a 7 1/2' x 2 3/8" pipe bury it 2' and use concrete and if you have to have him come back have him put the dish on that pole, instead of the other one.
Jim, Well, thats good news , I was hoping that $400 wasn't just for the Dish.
Here, https://testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?user_name=tonyp56&m=12&d=30&Y=2005 That is my stats since 12-12. I test several times a day, early morning, night, evening, afternoons, etc... I probably test at least 5 times a day, both upload and download. Anyways, I get what you are saying and I won't disagree with you, I'm just saying overall, when everything is said and done, I'm happy with what I got, could it be better, YES of course, but it could also be much, much worse.
Decade, Yeah, I've read some of your post where you were having problems, so I know what you are saying. When I first got my stuff installed the installer had everything working, and everything seemed fine. He left, and then all of a sudden, the system light went off. I did what you did, called, talked to some Indian woman, then after about 45 minutes she transfered me to level 2 (American, or at least American sounding) tech support. The guy went through some stuff but nothing happened. Then right before I got of the phone with him the system light came on, and I started surfing again. Though it didn't take as long as yours did, the guy said it was because the modem was updating it's files, and it took me off-line. I was down for a little more than 2 hours, but anyways, I seen that same thing. The tech also gave me the direct line to level 2 tech suport, along with a ticket number. Don't know if I can call that number again (wrote it down) without having to call the other number first or not, he didn't say, he said "if you ever have anymore trouble" he didn't specifically say with that problem, so maybe. So, how much did they charge you to upgrade to the Pro plan? Did you have to get a new dish, or other equipment? Just curious, cause I'd like to do it some day, maybe after my monthly goes down to $59 a month. It is only $10 more a month for the Pro plan, and should be a little faster, and with a little more FAP limit.
Stillwater area, kinda north central of the state. How much was the 1.2 dish, did you have them upgrade you or did you do it? Yeah, I dont' get that one, you had lower signal strength but higher cross-pole. I don't know why my signal is so low in the first place (I know, not really low, but still it just seems it should be higher), cuz there is nothing--no trees, buildings, hills, etc. between my dish and the satellite.
Ok, I've had Direcway for 22 days now, and I've got to say I am fairly happy with it. To begin, and for me at least they've really fixed the upload speeds so that they stay very close to where they are supposed to be (128Kbps for me) instead of dropping like a rock down to 18Kbps like it did when I first got my system installed. OK, for the stats, the fastest I was running on dial up was 40Kbps download, and 25Kbps upload (used dial up connection, came here and tested the speeds, fastest I ever could connect was 46.6 and that was the speed I was connected with when I tested) So I did the math, I'm now at 21+ times the DL speed of my former dial up, and almost 5.5 times faster (5.4 actual) on uploads. (fastest DL speed is now 845 Kbps, and fastest upload is now 135Kbps, average for me is about 700Kbps DL and 105Kbps upload) OK, now for latency: Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=656ms TTL=243 Reply from bytes=32 time=686ms TTL=243 Reply from bytes=32 time=675ms TTL=243 Reply from bytes=32 time=665ms TTL=243 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 656ms, Maximum = 686ms, Average = 670ms Which is about what I get on most things that I ping during non-peak hours. During peak hours these numbers get worse, say average of about 1100 or more ms. However, for what I use the net for I don't have much issue with this, i.e. I don't play any online games that latency affects. I think that is not bad, though I know it is a lot slower than DSL, cable, or whatever, I also know I don't have those things available to me, so it is a non issue. I can either go back 21 times on DL and go back to dial up, or I can suck it up and deal with, what? 1 second of delay. I'm on Direcway's consumer plan with the smallest dish (.74m?) it is supposed to be 700Kbps DL and 128Kbps upload. Uploads now stay at 100 or above (most of the time, there is some times that I test and it is below that, though not by much now) which is nice, before, my upload speeds would drop below 20Kbps during peak hours, now it stays up pretty good. Download, for the times that I need to use my computers, stays at or above 800Kbps, though sometimes during 5-10 PM time frame I will drop down in the 200Kbps range, and even sometimes for a little bit 100 Kbps range. That is the biggest issue that I see, I'd like it to stay at 500Kbps or above, but even at the slowest it is still faster than dial up. The satellite that I am pointed at is 89W:1150, I'm in Oklahoma, have signal strength of 70-83, and my cross-pole is 60-72 (both numbers jump around, don't matter if it is cloudy or not, they go up then down. Overall, I'm happy with the system, sure it has it's bugs, but when I add it all up, I like it (it would be liked even more if Direcway would lower their monthly charge by like $10-15) ok, end of thoughts.
well my uploads are great, however, my DL's are, well sucking right now . Last test I ran it test at 100Kbps, however, my uploads haven't went below 100Kbps since the update, I'm happy with it. Wish Downloads would stay more constant though
That very well might be, however, you've got to admit satellite is at least is faster when it comes to download and even upload, at least some of the time , I've downloaded updates in a matter of seconds that i simply gave up on with dial up, so that at least is better. It really don't matter how fast the latency is with dial up, cuz most things that you have to worry about latency issues, require faster speeds, therefore it is a none issue IMHO. But my point wasn't which is faster, it was simply I don't understand why I see post like that everytime someone says "I got satellite internet", why bring it up other than to rub it in people's faces. Of course satellite has a higher latency time than other alternatives, (and according to you, dial up has better latency than satellite, I believe you, won't argue with that) but the point is, if I had access to something different I wouldn't have paid the $, when I could have gotten DSL for $16.99 for the first 6 months, with no install cost. However, I couldn't and therfore my only choice was satellite, and I couldn't afford the $499 for the setup of Wildblue, therefore I went with Direcway (like the orginal poster). And what I meant on it being faster than dial up wasn't about latency it was about actual DL and UL speeds.
REALLY? Wow I didn't know that. I bet not as much as Dial-UP though. Sorry, I don't understand why people like to point this out, if I had any other options, I'd take em, but satellite IS THE ONLY CHOICE for me, and I'm sure, most of the others here that have satellite. It's like you are saying, "you shouldn't have gotten satellite, cuz it has this major latency, my cable/DSL has none" well guess what, no Cable, and I'm about 3/4 mile from the DSL cutoff, so my only choice is satellite.
I don't know, you and I are more or less on the same plan, we are in the same area of the country, but you don't get nothing like the DL and Uploads that I get. I test mine all during the day, and well, there have been a few times that mine was below 300Kbps, but usually I'm 500Kbps and above. (most of the time it is actually 700Kbps and up) My upload, well that is a different story, I normally run around 60Kbps or above, my average is most likely 85-90Kbps or so, but I've reached more than that before. Have you signed up on mydirecway.com yet? I know, you don't have the bandwidth, but you might do that and then check to see if you have been put under the FAP for some reason. Then I'd call em, call the number that came with your little pamphlet, tell em it ain't working, don't even mention that you are slow, tell em it isn't working! Eventually they'll end up switching you to the advanced tech support, I've got the number (had a problem the first day) but I don't know if they'd take your call or not, cuz I think you have to have a ticket number, not sure but I think so. On telling them it isn't working, tell em you can access the modem, but not the net, that way they will work with ya. I guess mine was downloading software the first day or something cuz I lost net access. The installer just left, and I was browsing, and all of a sudden, I couldn't browse. Called tech support, fought to understand the CSR, and after 30 minutes or so she transfered me to advanced tech support (or level 2) The guy I talked to there was actually English native at least . About the time I got of the phone with him, I started getting access to the net again. Below is some questions that I have, if they've been asked/answered before I am sorry, these are just things that I can think of. How is your system hooked up? Is it Cat5 (the one that came with the modem) to your NIC on your computer? Or do you have a switch/WAP/Wireless router? Do you have a PCI NIC card? Or do you have a USB NIC adapter? What O.S. (Operating System), XP, ME, 98, or MAC O.S.? Direcway's speed test aren't very good, however, I'd go there and do their test, several of them in fact, that way they see (they are supposed to be able to see test results, according to their propaganda )that your DL and UL's aren't good. Anything below 200Kbps is supposed to be below what it should be on Downloads, and I think below 60 Kbps is bad on upload. Anyways, run a few speed test, and when they ask you you can say, I've ran em, and this is what they said. You can add what testmy.net tests said, but I'd give em their test first, cuz they'll try to say, "our test are for satellite". Besides, I've never gotten as good of a result at mydirecway, as I do here. And you want the worse results, to get them to move their butts. Of course, tell em, I ran these test before I lost internet access . Signal strength, well mine is 75 right now, I've seen it as low as 69 or 68. I'd say you're not much off, but perhaps, a re-point is in order. Still, I'd call em, complain, whine, bitch, and generally tell them how unpleased you are, and maybe they'll get around to fixing you. Like I said, I'm on the same satellite (89W 1150) with a 7000, running Windows XP on two machines, one machine plugged into a Belkin wireless router--configured to be a WAP--via CAT5, the other connected to Belkin via Linksys USB wireless G adapter. My modem is in the WAN port on my router, because when I plug it in any of the LAN ports, I don't have internet access on my wireless computer, though I can browse the Local Area Network (LAN!) And here is my test results, (note different time than yours, but still) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 823 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 101 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Dec 17 05:56:59 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB download in 10.14 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 89.07 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BQ8GIUR5T :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 114 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 14 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Dec 17 05:58:35 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 73.14 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 70.15 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6FO7V2DGK and here is my test history, tested longer than this, but didn't sign up for a few days, but here: https://testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?user_name=tonyp56&m=12&d=17&Y=2005 So there is no reason why you should be this slow, I'd call em, tell em that you can't access the net if you like, or just call and complain so much that they fix it for you. Good luck, hope you get it figured out.
I've asked this before, but never got an answer. First of all, I'm not complaining, but why is my DL speed faster than my plan? (700Kbps down, 128Kbps up) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 827 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 101 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Dec 17 02:49:02 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB download in 10.14 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 89.5 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JC1GPBQUT :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 134 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 16 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Dec 17 02:50:21 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 64 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 100 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N1BI9WXDO Upload is closer to 128 than 827 is to 700. Like I said, not complaining, but want to know if this is some mistake and Direcway will figure it out and slow me down or if this is the speed I get to have.
I'm curious to know, how much does DirecWay charge for a customer to upgrade their dish to one of the bigger, more powerful dishes? I was told by my installer that if I wanted to upgrade to the Pro plan I'd have to have another dish installed, is this true? And lets say I wanted to upgrade my dish even if it wasn't true, how much would that run me? Mine's on a 6' pole, would the bigger dishes mount on the same pole? Or would I have to find another pole? Just wondering, won't be upgrading anytime soon, but would like to know about how much $ so that I can plan on it. Thanks
Thanks Ghostmaster Ok, yeah, it speed things up a little. Here it is, :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 827 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 101 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Dec 14 10:08:26 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB download in 10.14 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 89.12 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KJ6ERDCWY :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 131 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 16 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Dec 14 10:09:55 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 64 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 98.48 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-K92RU3IMV And I'm running AOL, AIM, MSN Messenger, and Trillion in the back ground (Shouldn't use up to much bandwidth, but still, I bet those programs use a little) I have my 7000 plugged into a Belkin Wireless G Router, that is configured as a WAP (router is turned off via Belkin software ) The computer I'm on is directly hooked up to the router via CAT5. My other computer that I've got hooked up via WiFi I had to download updates and what not on it the night before last, and I was downloading between 100KB's and the highest that I saw was 106KB's . That sure was nice . I was DL updates for my AVG (and windows updates), that computer hadn't been on the net for a while and I had several DL's to do, not just anti-virus stuff, but program stuff too, it showed what my DL rate was in its little window. So I think I've got pretty good connection speed. Don't know if it would be worth it to upgrade to Pro or not, but I like my DW system, I'm pretty happy with it. And considering I have no alternative other than Dial-up, I have no choice but to accept it. I'm sorry others have problems, and I have some problems, but over all, I think it is pretty good. I would trade it for DSL any day though, cheaper and perhaps little more reliable speed, but I don't have access to DSL.
the day before yesterday I was having some download problems during the evening and up until 12 or so. I was actually DL 900 Kbps late last nite, and i'm DL 820+ Kbps now. I'm on the same satellite as you (89W: 1150) I'm in Oklahoma, and my signal strength is anywhere from 74-83 (it moves around, that appears to be normal). I'm only on the 700Kbps DL and 128Kbps upload consumer plan. (yes that is right, I'm faster than my plan ) Anyways here is my test results, :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 854 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 748 kB) Download Speed is:: 104 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Wed Dec 14 03:49:15 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB download in 9.85 sec Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 92.03 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QZWY2BNRU :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 108 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 13 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Wed Dec 14 03:49:58 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 78.77 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 63.64 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-51IFEB89M Yes, my upload seems to be slow, (it hasn't been doing well the last few days, I've ran test and got results as low as 19Kbps. You've been having problems with dl and I've been having problems with uploads .) Anyways, there it is, remember I'm only on the 700Kbps and 128Kbps plan . I thought they'd cut me off right at 700Kbps, but I guess not, no complaints here .
Anyone know why I am running faster than my plan is supposed to be. That was a suprise, I figured they'd cut me off right at 700Kbps, but I am 800 or above most of the off peak times (11 PM till about 8 AM CST). During the normal day, I stay at around 500-600Kbps, though sometimes I've been as low as 128Kbps, but only for around 2 hours or so, the rest of the time I'm at least at 400Kbps. And no, I'm not complaining, hope it stays faster, I just want to know if this will change or not. I am hoping it will not, except faster of course BTW, I live in central Oklahoma, I've got a great line of sight, but the installer said that was the best I would get with the small dish. He was shocked, he said the highest before mine was in the mid to upper 60's, anyways, does 75-80 (it jumps around) sound good, with no trees, buildings, etc. in the way? And on my cross pole number of 65-69 does that sound good for that transponder/satellite (89W 1150) and location or could I get a better number on that?
OK, here it is, got installed on the 8th, with a 7000. I signed up for the 700Kbps download and 128Kbps upload, however I am running faster dl speed during off-peak times. 89 West and 1150 is my satellite location (whatever that is supposed to mean ) My normal DL speed is in the 500Kbps, though it has gotten down to the 128Kbps area a couple of times for short periods of time. Signal strength of 75-80 and 66-69 for my cross pole number (or whatever it is called) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 829 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 101 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Dec 12 05:05:18 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 15X faster than 56K 1MB download in 10.14 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 89.04 % of your hosts average (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-D5GMUNF19 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 109 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 13 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Mon Dec 12 05:14:31 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 78.77 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 65.15 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-7ODIZER06 That is a little lower than my best of 168Kbps, only saw that once though . My upload has gotten as low as 49Kbps, but usually stays 60 or above. Anyways, lot faster than dial up, very happy with Direcway, though I have no other choices except WildBlue, but I can't afford the install cost. (I've got the 99/99 plan)