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    My Results

Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Haha, yeah... here is the network.. http://www.theplanet.com/network/index.html I'm in DLLSTX4: Downtown, Dallas, TX http://www.theplanet.com/facilities/index.html#D4 -- I moved there a while back when I changed to their 'total control' line. I definitely did some shopping before I got this host... I highly reccomend
  2. try one of the tests at http://www.testmy.net/o-000 -- let me know
  3. I got that with that test also... it's not on my end, his server/host is hanging up or something. A refresh will clear it and restart
  4. Best one so far php... making me want to make myself a home page, haha
  5. seems fast to me.. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 9067 Kbps about 9.1 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 1107 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/08 - 12:40am Bottom Line:: 162X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.93 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 109.88 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MJR7SGTP5
  6. Today testmy.net has joined the effort of Stanford University folding@home program. This morning I have setup a team with the project and I would like to invite you all to help find cures for an endless number of diseases. If you haven
  7. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8550 Kbps about 8.6 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 1044 kB/s Tested From:: http://theamericanforce.com Test Time:: 2006/03/07 - 7:02pm Bottom Line:: 153X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.98 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 97.51 % faster than the average for host (Cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N1Y5ZBGU4 :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 9094 Kbps about 9.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1110 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/07 - 7:02pm Bottom Line:: 162X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.92 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 110.07 % faster than the average for host (Cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-XOKPJD1BF Nice server ya got there dlewis
  8. CA3LE

    Create a mirror

    You will first need to download all of the test sizes you wish to use from http://www.testmy.net/speedtest_files/ then upload them to your server in a directory named 'speedtest'... you only need to upload the test sizes you want to use in your test. If you have your own test files just specify them in your request (6 files max... our remote test can list up to 6 individual files for testing), we will take care of the rest. if you wish to also have a remote upload test you will need to extract 'fw.zip' and upload fw.php to your webserver (if you put this in a folder other than 'speedtest' you will need to let us know when you submit your request). After you have placed the files simply send a PM to CA3LE requesting that the test be created. Here is a sample of what the message should look like... Remote Test Request Test Name: username Make test publically available: YES Monthly Allowance: not to exceed 300GB Server Location: Phoenix, AZ USA test files are located at: http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/ remote upload test? If yes, where is the fw.php file on your server: YES, http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/fw.php model theme after: default [/code] You will first notice the "Test Name" field. The default is the username you use at testmy.net. If you wish to not use this please specify another name. You will also notice "model theme after". We can make the test look like your website if you wish, just let us know what website to model it after (these requests may take longer). If you wish to just use testmy.net's current theme either leave this blank or fill in with 'default'. All requests are usually processed within 48 hours. [color=red][size=8pt](note: although there is a bandwidth cap that is set, please keep in mind that the bandwidth cap is calculated on our end by adding up the amount data of the tests [i]completed[/i]. Tests that are abruptly stopped by users are not calculated. So please keep in mind that the cap you set on your mirror [i]may[/i] be exceeded slightly. Just a word of caution)[/size][/color] [size=15pt][color=blue][b]::edit::[/b][/color][/size] If you would like to change the rating on the results page, you may do so by including the following in your request. [b][i]--------------- KEY ----------------[/i][/b] [number] ...the quote on the results page is based off of the users score in Kbps, these are stored in sets. The sets contain three things [b]$st_1_down[/b], [b]$st_1_up[/b] and [b]$say_1[/b] for instance (notice the sets are numbered 1-10). The number in $st_1_down (or $st_1_up) for instance would be the score that's required for the user to see the quote in $say_1.... and so on. [b]$st_[number]_down[/b] is the download speed required to hit $say_[number] quote [b]$st_[number]_up[/b] is the upload speed required to hit $say_[number] quote [b]$say_[number][/b] is the quote for people who have speeds over $st_[number]_down or $st_[number]_up [b][i]---------------------------------------[/i][/b] [code]$st_1_down = "6800"; $st_1_up = "1500"; $say_1 = "I'm not worthy! Your connection scored 5/5 stars!!"; $st_2_down = "5200"; $st_2_up = "1200"; $say_2 = "Very nice indeed! Your connection scored 4.5/5 stars!!"; $st_3_down = "4000"; $st_3_up = "600"; $say_3 = "Nice, 4 outa 5 stars..."; $st_4_down = "3500"; $st_4_up = "400"; $say_4 = "Pretty quick... Your connection scored 3.5/5 stars!!"; $st_5_down = "2600"; $st_5_up = "300"; $say = "Okay, 3 outa 5 stars..."; $st_6_down = "1800"; $st_6_up = "250"; $say_5 = "Not bad, but I've seen better. Your connection scored 2.5/5 stars."; $st_7_down = "1000"; $st_7_up = "200"; $say_6 = "Eh, 2 outa 5 stars..."; 1.5/5 stars."; $st_8_down = "500"; $st_8_up = "150"; $say_7 = "Not the fastest broadband, but it's broadband... Your connection scored $st_9_down = "200"; $st_9_up = "100"; $say_9 = "Slow by todays standards... Your connection scored 1/5 stars."; $st_10_down = "100"; $st_10_up = "50"; $say_10 = "Ouch, are you on dial-up or something? Your connection scored 0.5/5 stars..."; edit: spelling
  9. Well, this is because his server doesn't allow form uploads this large... very common, I had to make some php settings changes to get it to work on my server. So, I made some changes to the script, I can now flag the max testsize for remote upload tests.. his is set to 2992. - D
  10. Blunt Blunted's tests can now be found at http://www.testmy.net/o-mirror-Blunted2
  11. The first member who is still active is http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=5 'MRP'
  12. try to right click and save target as
  13. CA3LE


    can you boot in safe mode.. when you do, does it allow you to open programs? to boot in safe mode hold F8 as your computer boots.
  14. haha, quotes in quotes drive me NUCKING FUTS, lol
  15. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Tests. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12412.0[/iurl]
  16. you mean 5MB and 12MB tests... they are at http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=5983&st=st http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=12160&st=st
  17. lol, he's from Pennsylvania and you have a Confederate flag as your avatar, lol...
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