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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. this is mean... but pretty funny
  2. The entire testing platform is being re-thought ---- you will see soon (first quarter '06) what I have in store
  3. gratz on 500! -- yeah 20K members should hit on Christmas -- thanks for the cool Christmas gift my wonderful members!
  4. CA3LE

    Data Error

    Go to "My Computer" and right click the drive then go to "properties" then under the tools tab run and error check and defrag... after that you may be fine... bad sector on your hard drive maybe
  5. hehe, "i don't care" lol -- I care -- I use the default theme myself, only about 18 people are using themes other than the default, buuuut as I look now 3 more people are using different themes than when you posted your screenshots. So it looks like your post made a few people think about checking out the other themes
  6. Yes I rebooted the servers and still problems. I am doing a few database things right now that will hopefully clear this up..... I still haven't personally seen this problem. :-/ Hopefully in the next 15-20 minutes after this mySQL batch runs everything will be okay, huge optimization to other databases on the site that may be hanging up mySQL server all together....... if this doesn't work then I will have to have fun with my logs, lol --- YEEeah
  7. I don't see any problems right now, I will keep my eyes open, let me know if this problems comes back --- tonight when traffic is lower I will reboot both of the servers also
  8. mine stems from when cable internet first came out, I was one of the lucky first people to have cable internet (which was super leet back in the day, seriously not even 1/1000000 internet users had it yet [in the US anyway]) -- I wasn't even the one to come up with the name, people on IRC started calling me cable and then it evolved into CA3LE --- before that my screenname was
  9. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9713.0[/iurl]
  10. Have you been here lately fred? I don't think I've seen ya for a while... good to see ya, one of my first members!!
  11. Oh yeah, -just is turning 21!!! Happy Birthday!
  12. haha... I guess my sister used my computer today, lol
  13. damon is the most coolest brother in the world and i love him with all my heart
  14. haha, sorry I couldn't wait.. I had to peek
  15. awwww... thank you all, you are too kind
  16. LOL.. I would never touch an iMAC -- BAH HA HA Oh yeah, it is my birthday in a few days isn't it.. Thanks guys!
  17. Fixed... I forgot to 'check all' forums when I made the member group he's now in -- okay now.
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