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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. lol But if you will look at the ENTIRE benchmark I did, I used the same scale for all sites, not like I am trying to fuck with the conversion or something... testmy.net :::: +0.7 off or "+5.7344 kilobits/sec" to be exact bandwidth pl :: -12.3 off or "-100.7616 kilobits/sec" to be exact 2 wire ::::::::: -62.73 off or "-513.88416 kilobits/sec" to be exact and so on How does that make ANY differance, besides makeing the other guys look even WORSE that testmy.net ~~ the 3rd place site was off by 1/2 Mbps!! And 2nd place was 18 times less accurate than my site (oh wait, you like exact numbers 17.571 times less accurate ) So what is your whole point here RTB?
  2. how do you figure that 3.1 is less than 0.7 hahaha
  3. IE does a crap load of mathematics to get it's average.. and it takes into account the burst at the begining of the download... from the time that it took you to choose where you wanted to save the file... because when you click to download a file in IE it starts the download almost right away.. even when you are selecting where to save the files and what not it is downloading... this can give you scewed results, you have to litterally click the download and click enter and save it where ever to get the most accurate results in IE.
  4. Most other sites were rounding also... some didn't ~~ I just posted exactly what was on the results page of each site. That will only have a max offset of 0.5 kbps ~~ which isn't really measurable anyway. And yes, when you download a file in Internet Explorer it does average the entire download
  5. sometimes that all it takes ~~~ Micro :: I am glad to see that the forum is starting to pick up speed ~ gunna need some more moderators soon.
  6. CA3LE

    LAN Setup..

    Yea.. I was just playing Halo the other day
  7. CA3LE

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    Aww you guys are making me blush lol
  8. That looks awesome to me... I would leave it at that
  9. CA3LE

    LAN Setup..

    Just about anything you buy now will be 100 Mbps... are you running a game server with computers or XBOX ~~ I just had a lan party with 16 people... 4 xboxes 4 people each to a 100Mbps switch/router ... if you have a 4 port router and are going to play with 16 people... I would get a new 16 port router/switch and go direct Screw what other people say.. they are retards.
  10. Is your score about the same speed as how much you upload... What program are you using to upload? Did it work a while back? Do you have another computer you can hook up in your house to test from. Let me know, and I will try and help - Damon
  11. CA3LE

    Cool Guy?

    There is ranking... and it either goes by my aproval... or by how many posts a user makes... "PiMP" is a status given out to people who I feel have helped people out on many occasions with questions... or are just cool people.. Keep posting and N'JOY!
  12. Ice... Bro... upload is very KEY to your speed.
  13. If your upload was faster... your download would be MUCH faster ~~ you on satellite... or one way cable?
  14. I would die if my upload was that slow.
  15. CA3LE


    they cap the speeds to free resources on the main lines... so they can add more users... and so later on they can tier the service and make you pay more ~~ VOD is very hard to explain... but basically why you don't see more broadcast video on the internet is because it is expensive to the place that is serving the broadcast. Bandwidth is very expensive... and video takes a lot of it. There are plenty of places out there that offer video feeds of a lot of stuff... but you are going to pay a monthly feed for nice quality video. Full broadcast TV and HDTV takes up a whole lot more bandwidth than you think by the way... and that is something that you will not see 'streaming' to your PC any time soon. Just kick it on the couch and wait till about 2016, then we might have some more options out there. What the people who would think about investing in a venture like that will think... is that most people, when it comes to TV... ... well... will want to sit in front of a TV, not a computer. Why would they invest in something with a dim future. When it comes down to it... it all about the dough $$$
  16. I'd really like to know how you get that upload man.. yea phoenix is getting pretty cold too
  17. yea tires are mad expensive ~~ at this point I need to start investing in them.
  18. CA3LE


    Thanks Scott, beleive it or not... cable modems are easily capible of speeds up to 50 Mbps One day we will see fiber in our homes, that will get you in the Gbps... or about 250 times faster than I am running ~ 18,000 times faster than 56K --- and this is on the low end at only 1 Gbps, hehe ~ but we need to first make computers that can process fast enough... the future RULES! - Damon
  19. I have users that test in singapore that are happy with the results man... you must have a problem in the route between my server and your provider... or a problem with your NIC.. trust me. I picked the location of this server for a reason. I myself doing a tracert to testmy.net in comparison to google, I have like 5 more hops going to google beleive it or not... only 13 hops 17 hops! Here is a visual tracert, first testmy.net to virginia, then testmy.net to London finally testmy.net to Switzerland. All trace a direct path to the target server. Dulles, Virginia London, England Bern, Switzerland Sorry, but the problem has to either be on your end... or a problem with one of your providers connections... run a tracert to testmy.net (start,run,"cmd", "tracert testmy.net", enter)... I am sure you will see that you either have a lot of hops or that there is one hop or more that either hangs or has a horible ping. - Damon
  20. You guys might want to check this out... I just did this today http://www.testmy.net/bench_results.html
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