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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. CA3LE


    just about 5 years
  2. CA3LE

    LAN Setup..

    you guys are earing that MOD status aren't ya
  3. CA3LE


    Yea I will do that when I get home ~~~~ you do mean on the members list right
  4. CA3LE

    Decent I guess

    The 4000/384 CHSI from COX ... I can get that set up for you if you'd like, I work for Cox.
  5. They just say they require more.. they don't actually use all the bandwidth ... 128 kbps is 15.63 KB/sec
  6. then people will just pull out the solder and gun and MOD their computers... there is NOTHING they can do to stop it... 'cept hold a gun to our heads... and some people would still try
  7. are you getting good speeds for upload?
  8. CA3LE


    well I have been debating what I want to set that to. Overhead is between 3-25% depending on many factors. I think I will leave it at 12% ~ some say 7-10% is good... some say higher... so I thought 12% might be good
  9. You can think of it this way... your connection goes through their routers... their routers are before your router (or computer) therefor they have control over your ports before you do. Alot of cable providers turn off some ports to prevent servers running (so that you need to get their business level of service) port 21 and 80 mostly. It would not suprise me all that much if they would slow down some common game server ports. It doesn't take too much bandwidth to play a MPG (4-12 KB/sec), but hosting one will take a bit more (4-12 KB/sec per player) and the provider doesn't want you leaving a server up for weeks on end sucking up the bandwidth. Like I said I will do a little research to give me an idea of how I will build this - Damon
  10. CA3LE

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    yea... lots of people taking note to that.
  11. check out these posts http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?p=290 http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?p=417 I just made a tweak to the upload results script, I have an offset number that I used to fine tune the results of the upload script... it was set low for your connection type... a little too low, so your score was lower than normal but you should get right around 50-90 kbps ~~ no way to make this faster http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?p=291#291 ^ will tell you why ^ - Damon
  12. By they are supposed to be all over the place.... I know they have been made. That's okay, because I would rather have an old muscle car anyway
  13. I am still looking into per-port testing... that will be a nice tool to add to my arsinal... but it sounds pretty hard to do, but if it's possible I will get it done... and have a new tool that no other website on the planet has - D
  14. CA3LE

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    Why thank you... and yes, microwave you have always been big on the thanks... you even transfered a dontaion to my pay pal
  15. by the way.. FUCK THE IRAA... you know all the fuckers that work there are running pirate copies of photoshop at home.. and are downloading "metallica - king nothing.mp3" off kazaa as we type.
  16. No worries about any of that shit.. it is and will always be an on going battle... the funny thing is that there are no sides... most of the people that push the pirated software are friggen software engineers that leak information or get fired. They will implement "NEW" ways to stop piracy, but the warez groups will just find new ways around them... EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM IN THE WORLD is hackable... ... EVERYONE! ... all they have to do to get around server authentication is tell the program to ... NOT AUTHENTICATE . Software is math.. adn all math has something on the other side of the equal sign. Microsoft only wants to make it harder for the 'end' user to pirate. ~~ unless they were to make the software run on their end (over the lines) there will always be a way for people to manipulate the software to get it to do what they want... ... no matter WHAT, I don't care what ANYONE says... if it is on your computer....... you hold ALL the cards! Microsfot and "ADOBE" for instance, don't care about piracy as much as they lead us to think . They make the greater sum of their profits off of companies. Although they would love to make a perfect system... but you know what?!? IMPOSSIBLE! Now I can understand their concern in Singapore, where 98% of all software is pirated... that is kinda a cause for concern... But if we get tired of jewing them out of their software we can always go to our Linux buddies... or invent a new open source......... by the way, someone needs to make a BOLD ass move on Microsofts turf... that would rule! I want a totally revilutionary OS... when are we going to have that 3D OS crap we have seen in movies?!? And where the fuck are the hover cars, IT'S 2004 PEOPLE... I WANNA FLY ALREADY! hahahhaha
  17. Oh yea there is ~~ http://www.wdc.com/en/products/Products.asp?DriveID=65 http://www.maxtor.com/en/products/scsi/atlas_10k_family/atlas_10k_iv/index.htm
  18. CA3LE

    LAN Setup..

    you stream through relax... just look for it on that link I gave... as for N64, just look for an XBOX emu and a rom site that has N64 games... I don't like to talk about that too much in forum if you catch the drift
  19. CA3LE

    Thanks CA3LE GUY

    I have mad traffic.. but the forum is still pretty dead... but it is growing like a snow ball going down the side of a mountain
  20. RAID rules, RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) is a means of Fault Tolerance. There are various methods to arranging an RAID array. It's basically two or more hard drives that replicate data to the string of hard drives so in the event should a hard drive fail, you have another back up.
  21. CA3LE


    nope ~~ but you can optimize it
  22. CA3LE

    auth check

    I have been writing a user log in for quite a while.. it is a very difficult thing to do.. especially since I want it to tie into the user names on my forum. You will be able to log connection history and compare scores... But I did add the date on the auth code... so that does help prevent people from grabbing scores out of forums...
  23. funny thing is... all the shit they put in the De Lorean has 1000X less processing power of our friggen cell phones now... haha
  24. yea..... and I bet this is 'just a machine too' http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?p=811#811 HAHHAHA
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