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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. screw the floppy... who the hell uses that anymore haha
  2. screw the floppy... just save that $10 and leave it off... who the hell needs that shit
  3. Please read the forum FAQ before posting anything here... it will answer 99% of all questions It can be found here
  4. That isn't effecting you ~~~~ I still have people pulling well over the speed you get (even the scores you quote from other sites) Like I have said before... what might be effecting you is your providers path to my server ~~~ there is some leased line between you and my server that is dropping your speed... not common with my other visitors... meaning that it is on YOUR providers end.
  5. will have the bigest impact on people with 3 mbit + lines ~~~ also should greatly improve page access time.... By this time next week I should have the new server up
  6. ------------------------ I am back guys... was gone for over a week on a Mexican Cruise that Cox (well actually HBO) hooked me up with... By the way... with the growth of the forum I have given my buddy sin0cide ADMIN (cause my fingers are starting to hurt from all this typing )... so he is going to help keep an eye on stuff also... so if he edits/deletes anything or talks shit to any of you (emailing you "hey stop that" or "don't post that")... keep in mind he has the authority to do so
  7. CA3LE

    OH YEA!

    fuckin' new guy and his pimp shit!
  8. CA3LE

    OH YEA!

    I love the connection at the office ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 4147 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 506 KB/sec Auth Code: 2062206 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 74 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.02 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2062206&kbps=4147&gen=gen&a=17.1428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 ::: Upload Stats ::: Connection is: 1754 Kbps about 1.8 Mbps (tested with 1000 KB) Upload Speed is: 214 KB/sec Auth Code: 276311 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 31 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 4.79 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=276311&kbps=1754&gen=gen&a=17.1428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286
  9. Well if you have a surfboard... it should be DOCIS. I love Motorola and Linksys for cable modems DOCIS does put alot more power in the cable CO. hands.. but it is a good thing.. it prevents people from uncapping and suckin' up network resources... after a while it should actually make you faster because the whole network will run more efficently. ~~~ here is what I get, ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3883 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 474 KB/sec Auth Code: 2058246 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.16 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2058246&kbps=3883&gen=gen&a=17.1428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 ~~~ DOCIS also makes the cable CO. able to sell you slower speeds or faster speeds... because they send a config file to your modem... trust me man, don't trip on it... it's a good thing. And you said southern... well, if you are in San Diego, your whole system has been DOCIS for over two years... but the old LAN City modems were still allowed on... they are just tring to get the rest of those old bastards off their system - CA3LE
  10. CA3LE

    Hows this...

    Well, we already do have 4000/384 ~ but it is 89.95 ~~ but if you want it I can upgrade you... PM me with your phone number and I will call you. I want someone to post a score here that has that speed!! I am not getting it untill they roll it into my employee plan.. I pay nothing now... but to upgrade to that they want full price! HHAHHA - CA3LE ~~~ ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3883 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 474 KB/sec Auth Code: 2058246 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.16 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2058246&kbps=3883&gen=gen&a=17.1428571428571&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 ~~~ there is me
  11. CA3LE

    Hows this...

    his ad speed is 3000/256 ... but cox communications ROCKS! ~~ that's why I work there
  12. Oh yea... traffic rocks.. I have 96 users online now ~~ needs to be at about 2000+ to make me completely happy though ~~ I CAN DO IT!
  13. CA3LE


    shud up dude.. I know.. hahaha... it's pissing me off. BTW.. FUCK FORD! CHEVY ROCKS!
  14. ohhhhhh... silly goose ....
  15. CA3LE

    Speed racer

    Well that was posted before a VERY critical patch I did to the test ~~ you would never be able to get speeds like that with that test size now... it would forward you to the larger test size
  16. you guys all had the sound on for those clips right heheheh
  17. by the way ... this is Sin0cide ... I am camera dude in all these... [ya may want to RIGHT CLICK > "SAVE TARGET AS"] First of all... this is Fat Man on a Little Bike -- sin0cide on a tiny two stroke... don't give up on this video at the start... watch it, really funny (I should have shortened it a little) Then of course we have Staple Arm OUCH dude.. NUF said And we got... Short Guy in a Litlle Dress ~~~ it says nightmare in the start of that video... because that is my little sister and her BF... we went on a quest for SUGAR... and he is wearing a dress... (not sin0cide... but still funny)
  18. Everyone welcome my friend sin0cide to the forum... he hacked my site and gave himself MOD and PiMP status..... Yeah right... I gave that shit to him
  19. I get a full 1 Mbps more than advertised ~~ just consider yourself one of the lucky ones by the way truspeed is an estimate... ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3883 Kbps about 3.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 474 KB/sec Auth Code: 2058246 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 69 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.16 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2058246&kbps=3883&gen=gen&a=12&b=0&c=1145.14285714286 as quotted from :: http://www.cox.com/Phoenix/coxhighspeedinternet/hsi-speed.asp :: "Typically Cox High Speed Internet operates at downstream speeds in the range of 1,500 to 3,000 Kbps." and it's not like my tests are in accurate :: http://www.testmy.net/bench_results.html ::
  20. 100 Mbps... DAMN... Now.. if I had that availible for myself I would get 100 Mbps but for the price though.. if you really don't need all that funWIDTH I would stick with 10Mbps (both ways right) ~~~ luck ass bastard! lol
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