I am looking for some help regarding my DW6000 and D-Link router...
I followed a lot of issues regarding how to set up a home network to work correctly with the DW6000 and routers.
My issue is this, every computer on my network can connect fine to the internet and to each other, now I have a small network comprising some 3 servers, 1 is a linux box, the other are windows 2003 servers, one handling mail and anti-virus, dhcp and dns resolution, the other is the test bed for my work, mainly php scripts.
Now as for the rest of my computers, I can view http sites with no issues, I can view SSL websites some of the time! other times I just get this site cannot be found.
I dont understand if I can view certain sites using http and SSL, why is it later on it will not view them sites again?
I thought it was my DNS server of which is forwarding DNS requests to Direcways DNS servers and cashing the results, thats not the problem, I have cleared the cache time after time thinking it was an outdated address. but no... now the weird thing is, even if DNS was outdated, it would not be on the site that I connect to, becasue as most of us know, to have SSL work correctly on your own website it has to have a static IP when you register the SSL, so it cant be an outdated responce.
BUT, if I connect one machine direct to the DW6000 all works fine, so I thought it must be my router!?!?! but how could it be the router? works sometimes, and sometimes it does not.
I am confused, lost and annoyed at this, I hope someone can shed some light on this for me, I am running out of hair to pull
Before I get the question "why do I need a DNS server and DHCP server" I will answer it for you..... I need them becasue of the amount of computers on my network, they have to map names to the computers that I work on, DHCP is there to give the computers information for the network, IE my DNS server address, DHCP address, gateway address and so on, and be able to connect to another computer without using the IP address.
Set up is as follows...
All computers connected to a 16 port switch, switch is connected to a router (no dhcp) DW6000 connected to the wan port of the router.
Thanks in advance!